Afridi & Angell inBrief
October 2022
What’s happened?
Pursuant to a circular issued by the Dubai Land Department on 23 September 2022, the registration of all co-occupants that reside in residential properties in the Emirate of Dubai, whether owned or rented, must be completed today.
Who does this apply to?
The circular issued by the Dubai Land Department applies to real estate developers, real estate leasing and management companies, real estate owners and tenants.
However, based on feedback from the Dubai Land Department, the responsibility for the registration of co-occupants is that of the person occupying the property.
Therefore, to ensure compliance, all applicable parties (specifically owners and tenants) should take the appropriate steps to ensure registration is completed.
Who is required to be registered?
Anyone residing, or who is due to reside, in a residential property for a period in excess of one month (inclusive of all family members and household staff) are required to register with the Dubai Land Department.
How to register?
Registration of a co-occupant’s details can be completed by uploading the same to the Dubai REST App. The relevant property should be selected by the user and the option to “add more” can then be used to insert the details of the additional co-occupants. The co-occupants Emirates ID details/passport number and date of birth are required to be uploaded and verified by using the Dubai REST App.
Similarly, where a co-occupant has ceased to reside in a residential property, a co-occupant’s details can be removed by using the same application.
Potential implications
It is envisaged that the registration of co-occupants could signal a move towards the extension of certain tenancy rights to certain persons legally residing in the property and may eventually enable certain co-occupants to enforce the terms of a tenancy contract against the landlords. Whether or how such rights would extend to household staff remains to be seen.
Similarly, it may also permit landlords to impose the obligations contained in a tenancy contract upon registered co-occupants.
The registration of co-occupants in residential properties would also help deter the practices of subletting without consent and overcrowding of residential units.
Whilst the Dubai Land Department has instructed that the registration of all co-occupants must be completed by today’s date, it is not clear at present what penalties (if any) will apply for a failure by any of the above-mentioned parties to complete this process within the prescribed timeline.
To ensure compliance with the latest Dubai Land Department circular and avoid any potential issues, the responsible parties should ensure the prompt registration of all co-occupants. ■