Monday, 1 February 2016 – On January 29, at AmCham Abu Dhabi’s 6th Excellence Awards, 16th Charity Gala, and 30th Anniversary Celebration, Charles Laubach, partner at Afridi & Angell, was recognised as one of the winners of the Pearl Awards, a special award category in honor of the 30th Anniversary of AmCham Abu Dhabi.
Afridi & Angell is one of the founding corporate members of AmCham Abu Dhabi. In addition, Charles participated in the framing of the constitution for AmCham Abu Dhabi and also served as the organization’s first president. The Pearl Awards recognize AmCham Abu Dhabi’s Founding Individuals and Corporate Members, Constitution Writers and former Presidents and Chairpersons and their contributions to enhancing US – UAE commerce, trade and investment.
AmCham Abu Dhabi (the trademark of the American Business Group of Abu Dhabi) is a member of the global network of American Chambers of Commerce. The AmCham Abu Dhabi mission is to promote commerce, investment and goodwill between the United States of America, the membership, the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. AmCham Abu Dhabi is an independent, non-profit trade association comprised of Fortune 500 corporations, small and medium sized companies, and prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs. Every year, AmCham Abu Dhabi applauds best in class American and Emirati individuals and businesses for their achievements in the local business community by granting the Excellence Awards.