Three Years On: The Bankruptcy Regime in the United Arab Emirates

As we approach the third anniversary of the implementation of the Bankruptcy Law, Charles Laubach and Rahat Dar take a look at the current insolvency framework available in the UAE (including in the two financial free zones: Dubai international Financial Centre at the Abu Dhabi Global Market, each of which has adopted its own insolvency rules) to consider whether the aspirations underpinning the Bankruptcy Law have been realised.

Keeping up with the Trend: The New Dubai International Financial Centre Insolvency Law

This article explores the reformation of the insolvency regime by the DIFC which had been motivated by the need to provide more efficient and practical insolvency and restructuring mechanisms to debtors as well as creditors. This article provides an understanding of the new Dubai International Financial Centre (‘DIFC’) insolvency law; DIFC Law 1 of 2019.