New Reporting Requirements for Specific Real Estate Transactions

In a joint statement made by the UAE Ministry of Economy and the UAE Ministry of Justice the implementation of the new Anti-Money Laundering reporting requirements, which are set out in Circular No. 5/2022 (the ‘Circular’) and which will apply to specific (cash and virtual currency related) real estate transactions that are conducted in the UAE, was announced over the summer. As outlined in the Circular, these additional reporting requirements are now in force from 1 July 2022.


This joint statement and the additional reporting requirements contained in the Circular are an important sign of the UAE’s concerted efforts to combat the investment of illicit funds in the real estate market and aim to make the policies and procedures in this area consistent with international standards.


Globally, individuals routinely attempt to launder illicit funds through the purchase of real estate assets. The implementation of these additional reporting requirements by the UAE government is intended to curb such activities in this country.


In this inBrief, we look at the additional reporting requirements that shall apply and the implications that they may have on the UAE’s real estate market.


Who is Required to Report?

The Circular applies to real estate brokers and real estate agents licensed in the UAE as the reporting parties in relation to the applicable transactions. However, in the joint statement made by the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Justice, it was noted that law firms must also comply with these new reporting requirements (real estate brokers, real estate agents and law firms together referred to herein as the “Reporting Parties”).


Reporting Requirements

Pursuant to the Circular, the Reporting Parties are required to comply with additional reporting requirements where a freehold property is being purchased using any of the methods of financing below:


  • where any single physical cash transaction, or several related transactions, equal or exceed AED 55,000 either as the entirety or a portion of the value of the property;
  • where the method of payment is a virtual asset for either a portion or the entire property value; or
  • where either part or the entire amount of the funds used to finance the purchase were converted from a virtual asset.


Where a buyer seeks to fund a freehold property using any of the above methods, the Reporting Parties must:


  • obtain and record copies of identity documents (Emirates ID or passport) from the party transferring the funds;
  • obtain and record receipts, invoices, contracts and Sale & Purchase Agreements relating to the transaction; and
  • submit a “Real Estate Transaction Report” via the Financial Intelligence Unit’s goAML platform.


Where the buyer is a corporate entity, the Reporting Parties must obtain and record:


  • the entity’s Trade License;
  • the entity’s Articles of Association;
  • register of Beneficial Owners of the entity;
  • Emirates ID or passport copy for all Beneficial Owners of the entity; and
  • Emirates ID or passport copy for all shareholders/partners of the entity.


Further, the Reporting Parties are required to retain all documents and information relating to such transactions as those highlighted above for a minimum period of five years.



The new reporting requirements have placed a responsibility on real estate brokers, real estate agents and law firms to assist in ensuring that the funds being used for real estate transactions are not part of an attempt by the investor to engage in money laundering or the financing of terrorism.


We anticipate that the implementation of the new reporting requirements will enhance the UAE’s ability to protect the country’s real estate market from the investment of illicit funds and provide greater confidence to authentic investors who are looking to invest in the country’s growing real estate market. This in turn, will result in the continued growth of the UAE’s real estate market.




For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact Shahram Safai at

The Economic Substance Test: directed and managed in the UAE

The UAE introduced the Economic Substance Regulations in April 2019 (later amended by Cabinet Resolution 57 of 2020 (ESR) and Ministerial Decision 100 of 2020).


The relatively new regulations have imposed a number of reporting requirements for virtually all private companies in the UAE. Despite this relative infancy, the Ministry of Finance has already started issuing heavy fines for companies which are not compliant with the regulations.


In applying these fines, the Ministry of Finance will apply the Economic Substance Test set out in Article 6 of the ESR. In essence, a company must demonstrate that:


(a) it conducts the necessary core income-generating activity within the UAE;
(b) the relevant activity is directed and managed in the UAE; and
(c) there is an adequate presence (employees, assets) within the UAE.


The regulations specifically require an entity to show that the relevant activity is “directed and managed” in the UAE. In order for a relevant activity to be “directed and managed” in the UAE, an adequate number of board meetings must be held and attended by directors in person in the UAE. The ESR does not specifically set out what would constitute an “adequate” number of board meetings for the purposes of the “directed and managed” limb. The only guidance provided is that what is adequate will depend on the relevant activity being carried on as well as the level of income earned by the company in question.


The Ministry of Finance has recently fined a company tens of thousands of dirhams for failing to meet the “directed and managed” test, apparently due to the lack of evidence of the company (a subsidiary of a larger group) holding substantial board meetings. It appears that “cosmetic” board meetings held in view of satisfying this test may not be sufficient to convince the Ministry of finance that a company was being directed and managed in the UAE.


A subsequent appeal on the issue was also rejected. Penalties for subsequent failings can be hundreds of thousands of dirhams.


In order to avoid such pitfalls, it is recommended that companies genuinely attempt to direct their businesses from within the UAE rather than becoming satellite holding companies for businesses conducted in other countries. The UAE Ministry of Finance is expected to increase their supervision on companies situated in the UAE as it becomes a global financial hub in line with international reporting standards. ■

VARA announces rules on marketing of crypto currencies and other virtual assets

The issue of the Dubai Law No. 4 of 2022 regulating Virtual Assets in Dubai (VA Law) issued in March 2022 created a lot of buzz and further strengthened Dubai’s position as a global hub for digital assets. The VA Law also established the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) which was tasked with creating a legal framework for virtual assets sector.


In its first administrative order (Administrative Order 1/2022 dated 18 August 2022), VARA has issued regulations relating to the marketing, advertising and promotion of virtual assets (Marketing Regulations).


Who does it apply to?


  • All entities that facilities marketing in virtual assets and cater to resident customers – domestic or foreign, whether or not licensed by VARA.


  • Any entity that is not authorized by VARA but wishes to conduct any form of marketing must seek authorization from VARA or provide a valid permit, by the competent authority outside UAE.


  • Marketing by an entity: (i) not conducting virtual assets activity in Dubai; (ii) that originates outside the UAE; and (iii) is not targeting any UAE residents – is not required to comply with Marketing Regulations. However, VARA will have authority to act if it views that such marketing poses a risk to its reputation or UAE or Dubai’s reputation.


What do you mean by marketing activities?

Considering the importance of social media and other new-age media in the virtual assets sector, the Marketing Regulations have provided a very wide definition of the term marketing. Marketing, promotion or advertising includes any direct or indirect:


a. communications, promotional-influenced or sponsored material – across any traditional and new-age multi-media channels;

b. self-generated or third-party published social media posts, non-written communications, banners or billboards, videos, livestreams;

c. activities held in Dubai to encourage market participation; or

d. advertisements (paid or non-paid) and all forms of publicity-driving content.


Guidelines for marketing activities

  • All marketing activities must:


a. be fair, clear, not misleading, early identifiable as marketing or promotional in nature;

b. not advocate that investments are safe or low risk or imply guaranteed future return and include a prominent disclaimer that the value of virtual assets is variable and highly volatile;

c. not imply that past performance of investments is an effective guide for, or guarantee of a future return or imply an urgency to buy;

d. not advocate the purchase of virtual assets using credit or other interest accruing facilities; and

e. ensure that any targeted marketing is undertaken responsibly by suitably licensed entities.


  • If any entity posts or presents content on any physical or virtual media platform (including social media, OTT etc.) in relation to virtual assets, in exchange for any renumeration (which may include issue of virtual assets) or value in kind, such content should clearly be marked as paid content.


  • Further, the issuance of any kind of virtual assets as part of marketing is classified as a virtual asset activity, and will be subject to licensing approval by VARA.


  • Any entity undertaking marketing must retain a record of relevant content for two years and provide all such information for inspection on request.


Consequences for breach

VARA has the power to issue a cease-and-desist warning or to suspend the activity. If VARA requires an event to be suspended or cancelled, the entity must state non-compliance with the Marketing Regulations as the reasons for suspension or cancellation.


The consequences for any non-compliance with the Marketing Regulation are set out under VARA Administrative Order No. 02/2022 and these include suspension of marketing activities, revocation of licenses and fines ranging from AED 50,000 to AED 200,000 with such fine being doubled if same violation is repeated within one year. ■




For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact Shahram Safai at


ADGM’s Virtual Asset Regulations Published

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (the FSRA) of the Abu Dhabi Global Market (the ADGM) has published its “Guiding Principles for the Financial Services Regulatory Authority’s Approach to Virtual Asset Regulation and Supervision” (the Guidance). This follows the publication of the FSRA’s February 2020 note concerning the regulation of virtual asset activities in the ADGM.


The Guidance is expressed as indicative of the FSRA’s approach to the regulation of virtual assets within the ADGM. The following principles are identified:


  • Principle 1: a robust and transparent risk-based regulatory framework
  • Principle 2: high standards of authorisation
  • Principle 3: preventing money laundering and other financial crime
  • Principle 4: risk-sensitive supervision
  • Principle 5: commitment to enforce on regulatory breaches
  • Principle 6: international cooperation


While all of the six principles are in line with the general direction of regulatory oversight, of note is Principle 3 concerning the approach of the FSRA towards money laundering risks present in virtual asset activities. The Guidance stipulates that the “FSRA requires those firms to avoid VA transactions where a counterparty’s identity is unknown at any stage in the process.”. While this is unsurprising given the UAE’s stated desire to ensure a very high standard of compliance with anti-money laundering legislation, it will be interesting to see how the in-built anonymity of many virtual asset transactions will interact with this requirement.


The FSRA is to be commended on taking a proactive approach to the regulation and licensing of virtual asset businesses and the Guidance will go some way to further clarify the approach of the FSRA towards such businesses. Given the stated policy of the UAE government to encourage the development of the virtual asset economy, further rulemaking and regulatory guidance is expected. It remains to be seen how the other regulators involved in the oversight of virtual asset businesses (for example, the Dubai Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority) will approach these and other issues concerning virtual assets. ■

Business Income Tax in the UAE in 2023

Many are still of the belief that business income tax (also called corporate income tax (CT)) is only under discussion and its introduction uncertain. That is certainly not the case. The UAE federal government has announced the application of income tax for business activities as of 1 June 2023.


Although the law for CT has not yet been issued, we know that the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) (which also administers the VAT) is busy preparing for the introduction of CT. We also know that federal public prosecutors are being trained and prepared to prosecute tax crimes such as tax evasion.


Also, we have a rough framework of what the CT law will encompass. In May 2022, the UAE Ministry of Finance issued a detailed public consultation document with respect to CT describing their proposals for the CT law and sought views from the public on any improvements/modification (which final version of CT law may be different but we do not anticipate much change).



1.1 Natural persons

CT will apply to natural persons engaged in a business or commercial activity in the UAE. This will include sole establishments or proprietorships, and individual partners in an unincorporated partnership that conducts business in the UAE. Whether an individual is engaged in a business that is subject to CT would generally depend on whether the activity requires the individual to obtain a commercial licence or equivalent permit from the relevant competent authority.


1.2 Legal persons

CT will apply to UAE companies and other legal persons incorporated in the UAE, as well as to foreign legal entities that have a permanent establishment in the UAE or that earn UAE sourced income. For the application of CT, legal persons incorporated in a foreign jurisdiction that are effectively managed and controlled in the UAE will be treated as if they were UAE incorporated entities. Limited and general partnerships and other unincorporated joint ventures and associations of persons will be treated as ‘transparent’ for CT purposes. Their income will instead ‘flow through’ and be taxed in the hands of the partners or members only.


1.3 Exempt persons

Certain persons will be exempt from CT, either automatically or by way of application. For examples, regulated investment funds and Real Estate Investment Trusts can apply to the FTA to be exempt from CT subject to meeting certain requirements.


1.4 Free Zones

Companies and branches that are registered in a Free Zone will be within the scope of the CT and subject to tax return filing requirements. The CT regime will however honour the tax incentives currently being offered to Free Zone Persons that maintain adequate substance and comply with all regulatory requirements. Therefore, it would be important to review the specific tax incentives offered in each Free Zone. A Free Zone Person that has a branch in mainland UAE will be taxed at the regular CT rate on its mainland sourced income, whilst continuing to benefit from the zero percent CT rate on its other income.



2.1 Residents

Residency is a key determining factor of whether business profits will be subject to CT in the UAE. A legal person that is incorporated in the UAE will automatically be considered a ‘resident’ person for CT purposes. Equally, any natural person who is engaged in a business or commercial activity in the UAE, either in their own name or through an unincorporated partnership, will also be considered a resident person for purposes of the CT regime. A foreign company may be treated as a resident person if it is effectively managed and controlled in the UAE. UAE resident persons will be taxable in the UAE on their worldwide income, which for a natural person will be limited to the income earned from their business activity carried out in the UAE. However, certain income earned from overseas will be exempt from CT. Where income earned from abroad is not exempt, income taxes paid in the foreign jurisdiction can be taken as a credit against the CT payable in the UAE.


2.2 Non-residents

Non-residents will be subject to CT on:


  • Taxable income from their Permanent Establishment (PE) in the UAE. The main purpose of the PE concept is to determine if and when a company has established sufficient presence in a foreign country to warrant the direct taxation of the business profits of the company in that country. The activity threshold that will trigger a PE for a foreign company in the UAE will be determined by the following two main tests:


(i) Fixed place of business test: a fixed place of business will include a place of management, a branch, an office (including a temporary field office or an employee’s home office), a factory, a workshop, real property, and a building site where activities are carried out for a period exceeding six months.


(ii) Dependent agent test: the “dependent agent test” may be met where business travelers or UAE based persons act on behalf of the foreign company in the UAE and have, and habitually exercise, the authority to conclude contracts in the name of foreign company.


  • Income which is sourced in the UAE

Considering the UAE’s position as a leading investment and wealth management centre, the CT regime will allow regulated UAE investment managers to provide discretionary investment management services to foreign customers without triggering a UAE PE for the foreign investor or the foreign investment fund.


UAE sourced income earned by a foreign person that does not have a PE in the UAE will be subject to withholding tax at a rate of zero percent.



3.1 Basis of calculating taxable income

The CT regime proposes to use the accounting net profit (or loss) as stated in the financial statements of a business as the starting point for determining their taxable income.


3.2 Treatment of unrealised gains and losses

Unrealised gains or losses arise in instances where an asset or liability held by a business has changed in value but no transaction to generate a gain or loss has yet taken place. For example, when a business property increases in value, but the property is not sold, the gain would be unrealised. These gains or losses may be recorded for accounting purposes even though they are not yet realised. The CT will have specific rules to determine whether an unrealised gain or loss should be taken into account when calculating taxable income. These relate to whether the gain or loss is related to capital items or revenue items.


3.3 Exempt income

UAE resident companies will be subject to CT on their worldwide income, including capital gains. However, to avoid instances of double taxation, the CT regime will exempt certain forms of income from taxation.


3.4 Exemption for dividends and capital gains

A UAE corporate shareholder will generally be exempt from CT on dividends received and capital gains earned from the sale of shares of a subsidiary company. Also, the proposed CT regime will exempt all domestic dividends earned from UAE companies. Dividends paid by foreign companies, and capital gains from the sale of shares in both UAE and foreign companies will also be exempt from CT, provided certain conditions are met.


3.5 Foreign branch profit exemption

A foreign branch would typically constitute a PE in the foreign country and be subject to CT (or an equivalent tax) on its profits in that foreign country. UAE companies can either (i) claim a foreign tax credit for taxes paid in the foreign branch country, or (ii) elect to claim an exemption for their foreign branch profits.


3.6 Expense deduction limitations

The calculation of taxable income will largely follow accounting rules, but the CT regime will disallow or restrict the deduction of certain specific expenses. This is to ensure that relief can only be obtained for expenses incurred for the purpose of generating taxable income, and to address possible situations of abuse or excessive deductions.


3.7 Interest capping rules

Interest and other similar financing costs are considered a cost of doing business and will accordingly be deductible for CT purposes. The proposed CT regime will cap the amount of net interest expense that can be deducted to 30 percent of a business’ earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA), as adjusted for CT purposes.


Businesses may be allowed to deduct up to a certain amount of net interest expenditure (safe harbour or de minimis amount) irrespective of the interest deductibility limit based on the EBITDA rule. The interest capping rules will not apply to banks, insurance businesses, and certain other regulated financial services entities. Additionally, the interest capping rules will also not apply to businesses carried on by natural persons.


3.8 Non-deductible expenses

Businesses will be allowed to deduct up to 50 percent of expenditure incurred to entertain customers, shareholders, suppliers and other business partners, to acknowledge that these types of expenses often also have non-business or personal element.


3.9 Losses

A fundamental principle behind the CT regime is that CT is meant to be paid on the total profit of a business over its entire life cycle, as opposed to a single financial period. A business will be able to offset a loss incurred in one period against the taxable income of future periods, up to a maximum of 75 percent of the taxable income in each of those future periods. Tax losses can be carried forward indefinitely provided the same shareholder(s) hold at least 50 percent of the share capital from the start of the period a loss is incurred to the end of the period in which a loss is offset against taxable income. If there is a change in ownership of more than 50 percent, tax losses may still be carried forward provided the same or similar business is carried on by the new owners. No tax loss relief will be available for the following losses:


  • losses incurred before the effective date of CT;
  • losses incurred before a person becomes a taxpayer for CT purposes;
  • losses incurred from activities or assets which generate income that is exempt from CT; or
  • losses incurred by a Free Zone Person that are not attributable to a PE in the mainland.



Large businesses often conduct their operations through a group of companies, which has a parent company and a number of subsidiaries. The CT regime will allow full consolidation for tax purposes (tax grouping) for essentially wholly-owned groups of companies, and the transfer of losses between group companies that are 75 percent or more commonly owned.


4.1 Tax groups

A UAE resident group of companies can elect to form a tax group and be treated as a single taxable person if the parent company holds at least 95 percent of the share capital and voting rights of its subsidiaries.


4.2 Intra-group transfer of assets and liabilities

Intra-group transfer relief will be available for transfers of assets and liabilities between UAE resident companies that are at least 75 percent commonly owned, provided the assets and/or liabilities being transferred remain within the same group for a minimum of three years. Where intra-group relief is claimed, the relevant assets and liabilities will be treated as being transferred at their tax net book value, so that neither a gain nor a loss needs to be taken into account when calculating the taxable income of the transferor and the transferee company.


4.3 Restructuring relief

To facilitate mergers, spin-offs and other corporate restructuring transactions, the CT regime will exempt or allow for a deferral of taxation where a whole business, or independent parts of a business, are transferred in exchange for shares or other ownership interests.



This section sets out the proposed treatment under the CT regime of transactions between related parties. The CT regime will have transfer pricing rules to ensure that the price of a transaction is not influenced by the relationship between the parties involved. In order to achieve this outcome, the UAE will apply the internationally recognised “arm’s length” principle to transactions and arrangements between related parties and with connected persons.


5.1 Arm’s length principle

All related party transactions and transactions with connected persons will need to comply with transfer pricing rules and the arm’s length principle as set out in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.

In order for a transaction or arrangement between related parties or with a connected person to meet the arm’s length standard, the results of the transaction or arrangement must be consistent with what the results would have been if they had been between parties that are not related to each other.



6.1 Applicable CT rates

CT will be charged on the annual taxable income of a business as follows:


  • zero percent for taxable income not exceeding AED 375,000; and
  • nine percent, for taxable income exceeding AED 375,000.


6.2 Withholding tax

Given the position of the UAE as a global financial centre and an international business hub, a zero per cent withholding tax will apply on domestic and cross-border payments made by UAE businesses.


6.3 Tax Credits

To avoid double taxation, the CT regime will allow a credit for the tax paid in a foreign jurisdiction against the CT liability on the foreign sourced income that has not been otherwise exempted. This is known as “Foreign Tax Credit”.


The maximum Foreign Tax Credit available will be the lesser of:

  • the amount of tax that was paid in the foreign jurisdiction; or
  • the CT payable on the foreign sourced income.



7.1 Registration and deregistration

A business subject to CT will need to register with the FTA and obtain a Tax Registration Number within a prescribed period. Where a business ceases to be subject to the CT (e.g., due to cessation or liquidation of the business), it will need to apply to the FTA to be deregistered for CT purposes within three months from the date of cessation.


7.2 Filing, payment and refund

A business will only need to prepare and file one tax return and other related supporting schedules with the FTA for each tax period. Each tax return and related supporting schedules will need to be submitted to the FTA within nine months of the end of the relevant Tax Period. Payments to settle a taxpayer’s CT liability for a Tax Period will need to be made within nine months of the end of the relevant Tax Period. Where a taxpayer can demonstrate that a CT refund may be due, the taxpayer can apply to the FTA to request a refund.


7.3 Assessment

The FTA may review a CT return filed and may issue an assessment within the timeframe prescribed in the Tax Procedures Law. A taxpayer may challenge an amended assessment issued by the FTA via the processes and procedures outlined in the Tax Procedures Law. ■

Deadline for Emiratisation in private sector approaches

In the last few months, the UAE authorities have introduced a number of measures intended to increase the number of UAE nationals who are employed in the private sector. The Emirati Cadres Competitiveness Council (Nafis) program, originally established in 2016 with the aim of attracting UAE nationals to the private sector, has been reinvigorated.


The UAE government has also introduced the following measures aimed at employers in the private sector:


(a) Ministerial Resolution 279 of 2022 on Monitoring Mechanisms of Emiratisation Rates in the Private Sector (Emiratisation Resolution): Issued in June 2022, the Emiratisation Resolution requires each employer registered with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (the MOHRE) to increase the proportion of Emiratis in the workforce by 2 per cent each year, until reaching the level of 10 per cent by 2026.


Requirement: The required proportion of UAE nationals in the workforce is currently one out of every 50 skilled employees. This will increase proportionately until it reaches five out of every 50 by 2026. These thresholds do not apply to banks and insurance firms, where separate Emiratisation targets of 4 percent and 5 per cent respectively are applicable.


Applicability: The Emiratisation Resolution does not apply to free zone businesses. For all other entities, compliance should be ensured by January 2023 to avoid sanctions.


Consequences of non-compliance: With effect from January2023, a penalty of AED 6,000 per month for every UAE national not employed in accordance with the Emiratisation Resolution along with suspension of issuance and renewal of work permits is prescribed. The penalty increases by AED 1,000 every year. Any drop in the Emiratisation percentage must be recouped within two months to avoid a penalty.


Non-payment of the penalty for two months after the due date would result in suspension of the labour file for the offending employer and for all other entities wholly owned by the same proprietors.


(b) Cabinet Resolution 18 of 2022 on the Classification of Private Sector Establishments (Classification Resolution): Issued in March 2022, the Classification Resolution classifies all employers into three categories as follows:


i. First category: An employer in compliance with the Labour Law and its implementing regulations that also fulfils any of the following criteria: (a) achieved an Emiratisation level of three times the target; (b) cooperates with the Nafis program by hiring and training at least 500 citizens each year; (c) is owned by national youth and is classified as a small or medium-sized enterprise or as innovative in character; (d) is located in the training and employment centres that support manpower planning through promotion of cultural and demographic diversity in the labour market; (e) operates within targeted economic sectors and activities as determined by the Cabinet; or (f) belongs to the Higher Corporation for Specialized Economic Zones.


A subsequent Resolution issued by the MOHRE clarifies that an employer, in order to qualify under item (a), above, must also have at least 30 UAE nationals in its workforce.


ii. Second category: An employer in compliance with the Labour Law and its implementing regulations that also complies with manpower planning policy through promotion of cultural and demographic diversity in the labour market. However, an employer having 50 employees or more is to be placed in the second category during the transition period.


iii. Third category: An employer that is not compliant with the Labour Law and its implementing regulations.

The Classification Resolution provides for different levels of fees for MOHRE transactions. An employer in the first category is charged a fee of AED 150 for the issue or renewal of a labour permit. The fee increases to AED 250 to AED 1,000 for an employer in the second category and AED 2,500 for an employer in the third category. Each employer is also required to provide a bank guarantee of AED 3,000 for each employee or to provide insurance for each employee.


Accordingly, all employers should ensure that they achieve compliance with the new requirements by January 2023 in order to avoid penalties or downgrading of category status. They may also consider registering on the Nafis programme (voluntary scheme) which acts as a recruitment portal for UAE nationals. ■

Dubai Decree No.22/2022 – On the Approval of the Privileges of the Property Investment Funds in the Emirate of Dubai

What’s happened?

On 22 July 2022 Dubai Decree No. 22/2022 (the Decree) came into force with the purpose of encouraging further investment in the Dubai real estate market via the provision of various incentives and privileges aimed towards real estate investment funds.


In this inBrief, we look at the various privileges that will now be afforded to property investment funds in order to attract further investment into Dubai’s already booming real estate market, as well as giving a brief overview of other key articles contained in the Dubai Decree.


Previous Position

Traditionally, property investment funds were afforded the same property rights as those that were granted to any other investment entity or foreign investor.


However, property investment funds were not commonly utilised as an investment vehicle in Dubai as any change in the fund’s shareholding attracted the standard Dubai Land Department transfer fee. Due to the everchanging nature of many property investment fund’s shareholding this was seen by investors as an onerous burden.


Further, as property investment funds are permitted to be established only under the Abu Dhabi Global Market’s (ADGM) REIT framework (the ADGM Fund Rules), the Dubai International Financial Centre’s Investment Trust Law framework (the DIFC Investment Trust and REITS Rules Instrument), and the Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority’s framework (Administrative Decision 6/R.T of 2019 Concerning Real Estate Investment Fund Controls), property investment funds were not seen as a cost-effective investment method due to the various restrictive regulations that applied to them.



However, now a registered property investment fund will be able to avail of the following privileges:


  • property investment funds will have the right to own property, or the right of usufruct or rental for a duration that does not exceed (99) years in not only where UAE non-nationals are allowed to purchase, but, also in areas where ownership is typically not allowed to UAE non-nationals in the specific areas identified by the newly established Committee of Property Investment Funds;
  • the Decree explicitly states that no Dubai Land Department registration fees shall be imposed upon the property investment fund on the disposition of shares by the shareholders of the property investment fund. This, as noted above, was one of the main factors in discouraging investors from utilising property investment funds as a method for investment; and
  • Dubai Land Department registration fees applied for property purchased by the property investment fund have been reduced from the standard 4 percent of the market value of the property to 2 percent. Similarly, the applicable fee to register a usufruct right or long-term lease has also been reduced to a fee of 2 percent of the market value of the property.


Other Key Articles

Article 4: Establishment of the Register

The Dubai Land Department shall establish a register for the purposes of registration of property investment funds that meet the required criteria outlined below.


Article 5: Conditions and Procedures of Registration in the Register

In order for a property investment fund to be added to the register and thereby avail of the privileges set out above, the following criteria must be met:


  1. the property investment fund must be licensed by the relevant competent authority and hold a valid license;
  2. the value of the real estate assets owned by the property investment fund at the time of submission of its registration application must not be less than AED 180,000,000;
  3. the Property Investment Fund, upon submitting the application of registration in the Register, must not be suspended from trading its shares in the financial markets of the Emirate; and
  4. the relevant registration fee of AED 10,000 must be paid to the Dubai Land Department.


Article 6: Writing off from the Register

A property investment fund can be removed from the register upon the occurrence of a number of circumstances:

  1. it no longer meets the criteria specified in the Decree;
  2. it has been adjudged bankrupt;
  3. upon its dissolution and subsequent liquidation of its assets; and
  4. upon the restriction of its activities by virtue of a final judgement.


Article 7: Duration of entitlement to the privileges

A registered property investment fund is entitled to avail of the new privileges from its date of registration in the above-mentioned register until the date it is removed from same.


Article 9: Committee of Property Investment Funds

The responsibility for the identification of areas where ownership is not permitted to be held by UAE non-nationals and where property investment funds may now have the right of absolute ownership or usufruct or a long-term lease (the term of which does not exceed 99 years) will fall to the newly established Committee of Property Investment Funds (the Committee). In determining which such areas are suitable for investment and therefore available to property investment funds, the Committee shall consider:

  1. the market value of the real estate to be owned by the property investment fund shall not be less than AED 50,000,000;
  2. the real estate shall have an investment return according to the standards of the Dubai Land Department;
  3. the Provisions of Dubai Decree NO. 4/2010 (in the event that the property is, or forms part of, granted land); and
  4. any other considerations as determined by the Director General of the Dubai Land Department.


It should also be noted that property investment funds are required to obtain preliminary approval from the Committee in advance of disposing of its interest in any property acquired in the areas identified by the Committee.


Article 12: Privileges of property investment funds operating in the DIFC

Whilst this Decree applies equally to all property investment funds licensed to operate in Dubai (including those licensed in free zones or special development zones), the extent of the privileges that shall apply to those licensed in the DIFC will be at the discretion of the chairman of the DIFC.



The two key changes ushered in by this Decree (the permitting of ownership of selected real estate within areas where it is typically prohibited for non-UAE nationals to own property and the removal of the Dubai Land Department registration fee upon a change of a property investment fund’s shareholding) are a significant development and an indication that property investment funds may now begin to have a greater impact on Dubai’s real estate market.


We anticipate that the changes that have now been introduced will relieve a number of burdens that would generally apply to property investment funds and encourage investors to re-evaluate property investment funds as a viable investment vehicle.




If you require more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us. ■

Dubai Development Authority – Filing of audited financial statements

All entities (free zone limited liability companies and branch offices) registered under the jurisdiction of Dubai Development Authority (DDA) are required to file their most recent audited financial statements along with a summary sheet (to be generated through their AXS portal account) on or before 31 October 2022. Entities are required to make these filings through their respective AXS portal accounts.


The following notification can be seen on the AXS portal accounts of entities:[1]


“In compliance with the Private Companies Regulations of 2016, FZLLCs and branch offices are required to submit their most recent Audited Financial Statement along with the summary sheet (as per the DDA template) by or before 31st October 2022.”


Free zone limited liability companies incorporated under the jurisdiction of the DDA are required to maintain audited financial statements. As per our discussions with DDA representatives, branches of foreign companies may not be required to maintain separate audited financial statements if the accounts of such branches have been included in their parent companies’ audited financial statements.


As per the Private Companies Regulations of 2016, free zone limited liability companies were always required to file, with the DDA Registrar of Companies, audited financial statements. Branches of foreign companies were required to file annual returns which were filed in the jurisdiction of incorporation of the parent companies. The DDA, however, has only recently started to enforce these requirements.


Certain free zones of the UAE such as Jebel Ali Free Zone and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre already require entities established in such free zones to file their audited financial statements.


With the introduction of corporate tax and other laws to closely monitor the activities of entities established in the UAE, it is likely that other free zones in the UAE as well as UAE mainland licensing authorities will start requiring the filing of audited financial statements on an annual basis. ■




[1] We expect the DDA to circulate guidance/clarification on the requirements and/or changes to the deadlines in coming weeks. The DDA may send specific notification to entities depending on their financial year end.