Further Changes to Civil Litigation in the UAE

In the latest in a series of amendments to Federal Law No. 11 of 1992 (the UAE Civil Procedure Law) the recently issued Cabinet Resolution No. 33 of 2020 (the Resolution) brings about some important changes to how matters will be litigated in the UAE courts. The Resolution amends certain provisions of the regulations to the UAE Civil Procedure Code introduced by Cabinet Resolution No. 57 of 2018 (the Regulations), which introduced some of the most recent changes to civil litigation in recent years.   This inBrief highlights some of the changes made by the Resolution that will significantly impact litigants.


1. The service of summons on parties has changed


The Regulations provided that a litigant or its attorney may personally affect service, including service through ‘modern technology’. However, following the Resolution, the ability of a litigant or its attorney to affect service through ‘modern technology’ is removed. Consequently, parties and their attorneys may no longer use audio or video calls, text messages, emails, etc. to serve summons.


The Regulations as amended by the Resolution also refers to a law (yet to be issued) on the service of summons via private process servers.


The Regulations as amended recognises that service may be (in addition to audio and video calls, text messages, etc., which were previously recognised) affected through smart applications which, among other things may include messaging platforms such as WhatsApp. As noted above however, summoning through such platforms will not be available to parties and their attorneys, but only to courts and authorised private process servers.


The process server is required to ensure that where ‘modern technology’ is used, the correct numbers, addresses, etc. are used. It will be interesting to see how this will be applied in practice.


The Regulations as amended provides that Service of summons on companies may be affected at a branch or office of the company in the UAE, if the dispute relates to such branch or office, or at the main office of the company to the legal representative of the company. Prior to the Resolution, service at the main office or on the legal representative was possible only if service at the branch or office was unsuccessful.  If the main office is closed, or summons is refused, the server may now affix the copy of the summons at the premises without requiring prior permission from the court, which was required previously.


2. The Case Management Office (CMO) has added powers


CMOs were created some time ago in order to make litigation more efficient, with the aim of having the parties fully plead their case before the matter is referred to the judge.


Under the Resolution, supervisory judges are empowered to apply sanctions on parties, and to offer the parties an opportunity to settle their dispute.


If a party wishes to assert an argument that the action has been filed in the courts of the wrong Emirate (i.e. a challenge to the local jurisdiction of the court) or that the dispute should not be heard or the matter should be discontinued for a reason other than public policy, it should do so before the CMO.


Pursuant to the Resolution, the decision of a supervising judge of the CMO to refer a case to be heard under summary procedures for payment orders is no longer appealable.


3. Summary proceedings and the powers of the minor circuit courts have been expanded


Article 22 of the Regulations as amended provides that civil, commercial and labour claims of not more than AED 500,000 in value and claims challenging the validity of signatures are to be heard by the minor circuit of the court and disposed of in one hearing. This hearing must be fixed by the CMO within 15 days of the case being registered. A further 15-day extension may be made by the supervisory judge of the CMO, but no further extensions are permitted. If the court appoints an expert, a hearing must be fixed within three days of receiving the expert’s report.


Minor circuit courts may now hear disputes up to AED 10 million in value. The jurisdiction of the minor circuit court used to be AED 1 million.  In disputes below AED 50,000, the judgment of the minor circuit is final and binding.


4. Changes are made to the payment order process


One of the more significant changes that the Regulations introduced was the broadening the availability of payment orders, which was previously limited to debts arising out of certain commercial instruments, to include debts which are confirmed in writing (as set out in our inBrief of 11 June 2019). The Resolution introduces further changes:


• Damages may now be sought as relief in payment order applications. Prior to the Resolution, only the outstanding debt and interest thereon could be claimed. This significantly increases the scope of payment orders.


• An application for a payment order may now be filed where the underlying agreement between the parties was concluded or performed (or had to be performed). Previously, the application could only be filed where the debtor was resident.


• Where a payment order is granted, and the debtor files an objection, the decision on the objection is not subject to appeal if the value of the order is less than AED 50,000.


• Where the value of the order is more than AED 50,000, an appeal on an objection may be filed to the Court of Appeal. The Resolution provides that the Court of Appeal must make a decision on the merits, and cannot return the matter to the Court of First Instance.


5. The requirements for applying for a travel ban have been clarified


The Resolution amends the Regulations to give further clarity with respect to travel bans issued by the court. In summary:


• The debt owed must be for a specified amount (for example, a claim for damages will not qualify), which is unconditional and not be less than AED 10,000.


• There must be ‘serious reasons’ to believe that the debtor is a flight risk.


• The claim for payment must be supported by documentary evidence.


• The applicant must submit a guarantee to the court to cover losses or damages the debtor may suffer if the application for a travel ban is later found to be wrongful.


6. Provision has been made for conducting litigation more efficiently


The grounds for which a postponement may be sought is now limited. Postponement must be for an urgent reason, such as death, loss of capacity of a litigant, intervention of a third party, allegation of forgery, or to submit evidence of a criminal action being filed which is relevant to the merits of the dispute. Each postponement can be no more than two weeks. The Regulations have also been amended so that a court is required to issue its final judgment within 100 days from the matter being referred to it from the CMO. It will be interesting to see how strictly the courts comply with this deadline in practice.


7. Execution judges have broader discretion to accept payment plans 


Following the Resolution, execution judges have the discretion to accept instalments plans spanning up to three years to satisfy a judgment debt. Previously, it was limited to one year. This will be seen as a welcome development, particularly in the current economic circumstances.


If a party wishes to object to execution of a judgment, however, a deposit of AED 5,000 is payable. The deposit is forfeit if the objection is unsuccessful.


8. Representing a corporate entity


A person who appears in Court on behalf of a company must have a power of attorney attested by the Notary Public. Previously, an attested power of attorney was not required. In addition, a person (who is not an Advocate) representing a company must be an Emirati possessing a law degree, and who has been employed by the company for at least one year.


The Resolution came into effect on 1 May 2020. ■

Revised Measures in Response to COVID-19: Sterilisation and opening timings and an updated list of violations and fines



On 18 May 2020, the UAE government announced the following timings with effect from today, 20 May 2020:



  • the National Disinfection Programme will take place between 08:00pm (not 10:00pm) to 06:00am the following day.


  • working hours of butchers, mills and cafes will be from 06:00am to 08:00pm.


  • commercial centres and malls will be open from 09:00am to 07:00pm (with new opening hours to be announced after the upcoming Eid.) People over 60 years old and children below 12 years old will continue to be denied access to these premises.

Retail stores, cooperatives, groceries, supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open for 24 hours, seven days a week during the National Disinfection Programme.


List of Violations and Fines


On 18 May 2020, the Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Prosecution Department of the Public Prosecution announced an updated list of the violations and fines that were originally set out in Resolution 38 of 2020. The changes take effect from 18 May 2020.


The list below follows the numbering of Resolution 38 of 2020. Some violations and fines have remained the same, others have been revised, and new violations have been introduced. For ease of reference, the new changes and additions are in red.


The list of violations and fines under Resolution 38 of 2020 appeared in our previous InBrief dated 29 March 2020.



Violation Fine
  • Violating an order for mandatary hospitalisation.
AED 50,000
  • Failing to abide by home quarantine or re-testing instructions.
AED 50,000
  • Failing to abide by quarantine instructions at private quarantine facilities or re-testing instructions.
AED 50,000
2 bis*
  • Failing to install a smart application or carry an electronic tracking device for home quarantine cases.
  • Destroying, losing or disrupting the network of electronic tracking device for home quarantine cases.
AED 10,000

The offender will also bear the cost of the electronic device, if lost or damaged.

  • Hacking, destroying, deleting, damaging or changing the program of the smart application or electronic tracking device.
  • Illegally obtaining data or information in the smart application or electronic tracking device.
AED 20,000

The offender will also bear the cost of all damages.

  • Failing to notify the relevant contact centre, without an acceptable excuse, that the electronic tracking device is lost, damaged or malfunctioned within 24 hours of such event.
AED 10,000
  • Violating the closure or operating hours of an educational institution, movie theatre, gym, nightclub, commercial center, outdoor market, park, leisure centre, cafe, shopping mall, retail shops, gardens, beaches, public swimming pools, hotel swimming pools, and restaurant (the Facilities).
  • Receiving any visitors in any of the Facilities in violation of the instructions.
AED 50,000 for the owner of a shopping centre and closure of the facility for one month.

AED 5,000 for the owner of a retail shop outside a shopping centre.

  • Failing to install thermal cameras, or taking any other precautionary measures as required by the relevant authorities, at any of the Facilities.
AED 20,000
  • Failing to temporarily suspend sailing cruises.
  • Violating procedures or measures imposed by the relevant authorities when resuming the operations of sailing cruises.
AED 10,000
  • Violating prohibitions or restrictions on gatherings, meetings, private and public celebrations, and on gathering or being present at public locations, private farms, or agricultural estates.
AED 10,000 for whoever invites or organises the same, and AED 5,000 for participants.
  • Violating measures of the Ministry of Health & Prevention regarding those coming to the UAE from countries infected by any communicable diseases.
AED 5,000 (which was previously AED 2,000). 
  • Failing to take the appropriate health procedures regarding the regulation of markets, roads, and other public locations exempt from temporary closure.
  • Failing to implement an order for removal of any temporary structure or the disposal of goods, clothes, or other items are believed to have been contaminated or potentially contaminated with any disease agent and cannot be disinfected.
AED 3,000
  • (Applicable to accredited health laboratories) Failing to link the data of tested individuals to relevant authorities
AED 20,000
  • Failing to clean and sterilise equipment, devices, machines within establishments as per the instructions of the relevant authority.
AED 5,000
  • Violating instructions of the relevant authority relating to cleanliness and personal hygiene practices of workers within establishments or shared housing accommodations.
AED 1,000
  • Failing to use chemicals (for cleaning, sanitisation and disinfection purposes) or any other material as per the instructions of the relevant authority.
AED 1,000
  • Failing to preserve the health and safety and prevent spread of communicable diseases as per the decisions and instructions of the relevant authority.
AED 2,000
  • Failing to take precautionary measures for the crew of accommodation vessels.
AED 10,000
8 (This fine under Resolution 38 of 2020 is cancelled.)
  • Violating the provisions of the Implementing Regulations for the Law on the Prevention of Communicable Diseases as regards the burial or transport of the body of any person who dies from a communicable disease.
AED 5,000 (which was previously AED 3,000). 
  • Exceeding the maximum permitted number of passengers in a car by more than three persons. (This does not apply where members of the same family or second-degree relatives are in a car.)
AED 3,000 for the  driver (which was previously AED 1,000).
  • Using a vehicle to transport goods, objects or other items against its authorized purpose and in violation of health and safety regulations.
AED 5,000 and the vehicle will be impounded for a month.
  • Failing to wear medical or cloth facemasks in closed public places, shopping centres, public transportation, crowded public areas, high traffic areas, or private vehicle.
AED 3,000 (which was previously AED 10,000).


  • Failing to wear medical or cloth facemask at a company, workplace, housing accommodation.


AED 5,000 for the employer or owner of company, establishment or worker’s accommodation.

AED 500 for the employee.

  • Failing to observe the safe distance between individuals.
AED 3,000 (which was previously AED 10,000). 
  • Failing to take necessary measures to ensure social distancing and permitting overcrowding and assembling within establishments, cafes, restaurants, beaches, gyms, public swimming pools, hotel pools.
AED 5,000 for the owner of such facilities. 
  • Exercising, taking part in sports or recreational activities in open places or hotel beaches, walking or gathering in gardens or public places in violation of the preventative measures imposed by the relevant authority.
AED 3,000
  • Violating the maximum number of employees allowed within a facility, commercial establishment or workplace.
AED 3,000 for the owner of the company or establishment. 
  • Failing to take sterilisation procedures in means of public and private transport.
AED 5,000 for the manager of the company or establishment. 
  • Approaching or going to healthcare facilities in cases other than the prescribed ones.
AED 1,000
  • Refusing to undergo a medical test upon demand.
AED 5,000
  • Re-taking a laboratory test for Coronavirus at accredited health laboratories within two weeks without a valid reason
AED 1,000
  • Leaving home or travelling during the curfew times announced by the relevant authority for a reason other than to buy food and medicine and to attend to health emergencies.

(This is not applicable to employees within the vital sectors who are permitted to move during curfew times, which includes medical, technical and administrative personnel working within governmental and private health facilities.)

AED 3,000
  • Violating the ban on transferring workers between Emirates. (This is not applicable to workers of exempted categories.)
AED 10,000 for the owner of the company or establishment and driver of the private vehicle. 
(Applicable to workers within the exempted category)

  • Exceeding the maximum capacity imposed by the relevant authority (being half capacity of vehicles) when transporting workers between Emirates or within an Emirate.
  • Failing to wear masks, and social distance when boarding and disembarking from the vehicle.
AED 5,000 for the owner of the company or establishment

AED 500 for the employee or worker. 

  • Carrying on private lessons at home, or public or private places (with direct contact), whether for or without compensation.
AED 30,000 for the individual offering, organizing and mediating private lessons. 

AED 20,000 for the owner of the private place where the private lesson was held. 

  • Collecting, copying, broadcasting, disclosing, publicizing, transmitting or circulating health data or information of individuals that tested positive, are undergoing treatment or examination with the health authorities.


  • Cancelling, deleting, destroying, or altering any such data or information.


AED 20,000



  • Violating information security standards approved by government or private health facilities.
AED 5,000


Violators of Article 2 and 2 bis (marked with an asterisk (*) above) will be referred to the Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Prosecution Department of the Public Prosecution to be charged for a criminal offence under Article 40 of the Federal Decree Law 2 of 2011 on the Establishment of the National Emergency and Crisis Management Authority. The penalty of such offence is imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or a fine not exceeding AED 100,000, or both.


The Attorney General has the authority to order the publication of the pictures and name of violators in media sources as it deems necessary. ■


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The ADGM Companies Regulations 2020

The Abu Dhabi Global Market has announced amendments to its Companies Regulations. The Companies Regulations 2020 (2020 Regulations) repeal the Companies Regulations 2015 (as amended). We have summarised below the key changes under the 2020 Regulations.


Companies Regulations 2020 Effect of amendment
Section 3 One of the ways in which a restricted scope company can be incorporated is if the founding members are a group of people who are from the same family (as approved by the Registrar). What constitutes being a member of the same family has been broadened under the 2020 Regulations to include grandchildren, great grandchildren and adopted children (and their spouses).
Section 450 This section now clarifies that a financial institution which is a FinTech Participant will not be excluded from the small companies’ exemption from audit.
Part 23 (sections 778 – 783) The regulations now use the term “confirmation statement” as opposed to “annual return”. The contents of the confirmation statement and the timelines for delivery of the confirmation statement remain the same.
Section 937 The amendments to the regulations state that the Registrar will continue to authenticate paper copy documents with an official seal however the amendments clarify that electronically generated documents will not require to be sealed.
Section 940 The right to request a certificate of incorporation has been amended under the 2020 Regulations such that all certificates of incorporation will now be electronically generated as opposed to signed and authenticated by the Registrar. However, a request can still be made for a paper copy certificate of incorporation and such request may be subject to a fee as determined by the Board of Directors of the Abu Dhabi Global Market (Board).
Section 960 Continuing the theme under section 940 of the 2020 Regulations, electronic as opposed to paper copies of publicly available information on the register will be made available by the Registrar on request. If a request for a paper copy of such information is required, the provision of such information may also be subject to fees as imposed by the Board.


* * * *


Afridi & Angell’s corporate department works with many ADGM companies and has extensive experience in advising such companies. Should you have any questions with respect to the changes under the 2020 Regulations or more generally on ADGM companies, please contact the author, Danielle Lobo (partner), or your usual Afridi & Angell contact. ■

DMCC Employment Guidelines during the COVID-19 Precautionary Measures Period

The DMCC Authority recently passed DMCC Guidelines 1 of 2020 (DMCC Guidelines) setting out what actions DMCC employers can take with respect to their employees during the COVID-19 Precautionary Measures Period.


DMCC entities can:


• Request employees to work remotely and implement means to monitor them (without infringing their privacy). Working remotely does not however apply to key employees working in Vital Industries. “Vital Industries” are the key industry sectors as announced by the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management from time to time, which are eligible for a work-related movement permit (now required for movement around Dubai between 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.), available from the Dubai Police website. The Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management was established under the leadership of the Commander of the Dubai Police pursuant to Dubai Decree 22 of 2006 and Dubai Rule 14 of 2006. For the Vital Industries, please see the list of Vital Sectors and Support Sectors in our InBrief dated 6 April 2020.


• Place employee(s) on paid leave without employee’s consent.


• Temporarily reduce employee’s basic salary for a defined period (which must be mutually agreed). In spite of this temporary reduction, the employee’s end of service gratuity will remain unaffected, and will continue to accrue according to the employee’s basic salary prior to the temporary reduction.


• Place employee(s) on unpaid leave for a period (which must be mutually agreed).


• Collect and share employee’s personal data with competent UAE authority (if requested) as reasonably required for the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees.


DMCC employers are discouraged from filing absconding reports against terminated employees who may be facing delays in cancelling their visas during the COVID-19 Precautionary Measures Period.


Where the DMCC Guidelines are silent, the DMCC entities shall remain subject to the UAE Labour Law. In contrast, the DMCC has not made DMCC entities subject to the requirements of Ministerial Resolution 279 of 2020 (on employment stability in the private sector) and Ministerial Resolution 281 of 2020 (on maintaining safe places of work), either in the DMCC Guidelines or on its website. Accordingly, the specific requirements imposed in those Resolutions would not apply to DMCC entities, unless the DMCC decides at a later date to make them applicable. For details of these Resolutions, please see our InBriefs dated 1 April 2020, 3 April 2020 and 6 April 2020 and our Legal Alert dated 6 April 2020.


As to accessing office premises of DMCC entities, the DMCC Authority has followed the decision of the Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management dated 23 April 2020 whereby a maximum of 30% of the workforce of all organisations would be allowed to work from the office premises. For more details of this decision, please see our InBrief dated 26 April 2020. DMCC entities based in the DMCC Business Centre (i.e., those with flexi desks, serviced desks or serviced offices leased from DMCC Business Centre) (Business Centre Members), however, are additionally subject to the recently issued DMCC Business Centre Health & Safety Policy, which restrict them to having one employee present at the office unit at any one time (and such employee must not be 60 years and older, or pregnant, or have chronic diseases). Such employee must also undergo thermal scanning available in designated areas within the DMCC Business Centre facility. ■


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New Measures Implemented by the UAE Authorities in Response to COVID-19

Below is a summary of key new measures that have been implemented by various UAE authorities since 30 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 12:00 noon on Thursday, 7 May 2020.


I. Economic Relief Measures


A. Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA) announces business relief package


On 4 May 2020, the DHCA announced a business relief package for its free zone community consisting of waivers and discounts for directly-impacted segments, additional benefits for businesses operating in DHCA-owned properties, and waivers and discounts in regulatory fees for hospitals, clinics, education providers, research institutions, retail stores, hotels, F&B outlets, consultancies, and support services among businesses.


Relief measures include:


• for directly-impacted segments: 25 percent to 100 percent discount on commercial and clinical fees. This segment includes certain outpatient clinics, education providers, hospitality and support services, all of which have had to close or significantly reduce operations to comply with national precautionary and preventative measures, resulting in reduced revenues and customer footfall.


• for businesses operating in DHCA-owned properties: 25 percent to 50 percent discount on commercial and clinical fees. These businesses exclude pharmacies and supermarkets which have been following regular operations.


The reduced regulatory fees can be availed for a period of three months with the exception of certain fees related to commercial licenses and clinical operating permits, which can be availed until the end of 2020.


B. Abu Dhabi Customs launches a package of economic incentives


On 5 May 2020, the General Administration of Abu Dhabi Customs launched a package of economic incentives to support importers in Abu Dhabi and to mitigate the consequences of the current exceptional circumstances as a transit gateway for all vital sectors. The incentives include:


• Postponement of payment of customs duties of importers for 90 days, from the date of the customs statement.


• Accepting institutional guarantees instead of bank guarantees for customer accounts.


• Pre-clearance services prior to shipment arrival through the customs operations system, which results in saving time and costs on companies.


• Self-clearance services that allow companies to clear their shipments themselves without resorting to customs clearance under the controls Customs licences.


• Licensing bond warehouses with no fees.


• Extension of the transit period from three to five days for the purposes of arrival of goods to their destination.


• Cancellation of the insurance refund fee for the temporary entry insurance.


C. Dubai South economic stimulus package


On 3 May 2020, Dubai South Free Zone announced economic stimulus incentives to individuals and companies in its free zone consisting of:

• Flexible payment plans with easy instalment schemes.


• Waiver of penalties on late renewals and cancellations of contracts and licenses.


• A 20 percent reduction on licence fee renewals.


• Waiver of first year license fees for new clients in the aviation, logistics and e-commerce sectors and the Business Park.


• The opportunity to apply for a lease deferral request of up to six months for clients operating in the Business Park Free Zone.


• A reduction of up to 25 percent on the renewal fees for Dubai South Business Centre clients renewing their contracts between now and October 2020, as well as the flexibility to settle annual rental fees in up to four instalments.


• A reduction of up to 25 percent of rental fee for individuals and companies looking to establish a new business.


D. Ruler of Umm Al Quwain Emiri Decree on economic incentive package


On 30 April 2020, the Ruler of Umm Al Quwain issued Emiri Decree No. 2 of 2020 (Decree) regarding an economic incentive package to support businesses and individuals. The Decree became effective on the date of its issuance.


The Decree stipulates the following incentives:

• A discount of 50 percent on fees related to new business licences and commercial, industrial and professional licence renewals at the Department of Economic Development.


• Cancellation of fines for expired licences of commercial, industrial and professional companies and economic establishments in the Emirate.


• A 50 percent fee reduction on fees on activities related to Umm Al Quwain Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


In a related measure, Resolution No. 3 of 2020 exempts companies that halted their services due to the coronavirus crisis from fees and fines.


E. Fujairah waives licensing and tax fees for current year


On 30 April 2020, the Ruler of Fujairah issued Resolution No. 4 of 2020 regarding exemption from local licensing fees and taxes for the current year.


Businesses exempted from licensing fees include various professions in the market, the Friday Market, meat and poultry stores, tailors, cinemas, gaming centres and stores located in shopping malls, hotels, fitness centres, health clubs, wedding halls, and men’s and women’s salons.


Resorts, hotels, and hotel apartments shall be exempted from the prescribed local tax.


Exemption will be for the whole year starting from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2020.


II. Labour-related Matters


Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) stated that employee wages must be safeguarded and paid on time.


In a statement issued on 30 April 2020, the MOHRE noted that employers must adhere to Ministerial Resolution No. 739 of 2016 concerning the protection of wages and must commit to ensuring employee wages are paid on time via the Wages Protection System. MOHRE affirmed that private-sector employers’ commitment to pay wages on time, as well as documenting early leave and the reduction in employee wages, whether temporary or permanent, would guarantee the rights of both parties in the business relationship. It emphasised that adherence by employers towards fulfilling their legal obligations to their employees, particularly with regards to remuneration, is of the utmost importance in ensuring the stability of the working relationship, employee productivity, and business continuity.


III. Precautionary Measures


A. New measures implemented by the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED)


On 1 May 2020, ADDED issued a circular to the managers and owners of shopping malls and centres, food retailers and pharmacies operating within Abu Dhabi to provide thermal inspection devices and cameras at the main entrances of their facilities.


This measure is in addition to shopping malls’ adherence to all guidelines and regulations that were set as conditions for their reopening. These guidelines include keeping the capacity of shoppers inside a mall up to a maximum of 30 percent; ensuring social distancing and spacing between individuals while shopping; and ensuring that general service companies operating in malls conduct frequent cleaning and sterilisation of escalators, elevators, washrooms and other places that are mostly used by shoppers.


Later in the week, on 5 May 2020, ADDED affirmed that owners of restaurants, cafeterias and food outlets across Abu Dhabi,  whether located inside or outside malls and shopping centres, should not receive customers without prior coordination with local departments with regards to compliance with the guidelines related to the health practices and preventive measures aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19.


B. Reopening of commercial centres in Sharjah

On 3 May 2020, Sharjah Economic Development announced that malls, salons and eateries in the Emirate will be allowed to reopen from 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m. Food stores and pharmacies will be allowed to open 24 hours a day. Reopening of all establishments is contingent on their compliance with anti-Coronavirus measures in line with Circulars issued by the Department. Shoppers will have to wear face masks and gloves at all times.


C. People over the age of 60 and children below the age of 12 are prohibited from entering shopping malls and retail stores


In a joint announcement issued on 6 May 2020, the Ministry of Health and Prevention and the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority stated that people over the age of 60 and children below the age of 12 are prohibited from entering shopping malls, cooperative societies, supermarkets, as well as retail stores located outside shopping centres.


D. Three people or more from same family can travel together in the same car


On 3 May 2020, the Dubai Police clarified that members of the same family as well as first-degree relatives are exempt from the limitation on the number of people who may travel in the same vehicle. Such persons will no longer be subject to fines for exceeding the three-person limit.■

DMCC: Expanding the Scope of a Service License

DMCC to issue NOCs to operate onshore


A DMCC licensed company holding a valid service license (with one or more of the Eligible Service Activities (identified below)) can apply to the DMCC for a no objection certificate (NOC) to operate/conduct business onshore (i.e. in mainland Dubai outside of the boundaries of the DMCC free zone).


The NOC, in itself, is not sufficient to operate onshore. The applicant company will also be required to obtain a permit from the local licensing authority (i.e. the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED)).


In order to obtain an NOC from the DMCC, the applicant company will need to apply through the DMCC portal. If the applicant company has a sanction on its DMCC portal account or has an application (service request) pending (for services such as the amendment of its licensed activities), it will not be able to apply for the NOC.


Once an NOC has been issued by the DMCC, the applicant company will be required to approach the DED for a permit to operate onshore. The DED will issue a permit provided the applicant company has satisfied the DED’s requirements.


Requirements of the DED 


Based on an NOC issued by DMCC, the DED will issue a permit to the applicant company for conducting business onshore. The activity which the applicant company wishes to conduct onshore must be mentioned on its license (issued by DMCC) and such an activity(ies) must be one or more of the Eligible Service Activities. In order to obtain a permit, the applicant company is neither required to lease any separate office space onshore in Dubai nor is it required to appoint a UAE national service agent or partner.


The DED permit shall be valid for the duration of the applicant company’s DMCC license.


The DED will charge a fee of AED 5,070 for issuing its permit.


Eligible Service Activities


• Accounting & Bookkeeping

• Events Management

• Cargo Loading & Unloading Services

• Cost Control & Risk Management Services

• Cyber Security Consultancy

• Data Entry Services

• Documents Destroying Services

• Electronic Chips Programming

• Exhibition Organising

• Facilities Management Services

• Facilities Resources Planning Consultancy

• Feasibility Studies Consultancies

• Performing Arts & Music Festivals

• Financial Instruments Quotation Services

• Fine Arts Consultancies

• Food & Dairy Consultant

• Health Planning Consultancies

• Information Technology Consultants

• Internet Consultancy

• Logistics Consultancy

• Management Consultancies

• Marketing Research & Consultancies

• Media Studies & Consultancies

• Network Consultancies

• Noise Control, Vibration & Acoustics Consultancy

• Pharmaceutical Consultancies

• Public Networking Services

• Quality & Standardisation Consultants

• Science & Technology Consultancy

• Sourcing & Procurement Consultant

• Spa & Fitness Clubs Consultant

• Technical Installations Consultancies


Current Market Practice


Rule 3.2.11 of the DMCC Licensing Rules (effective date 2 January 2020) states as follows:


A DMCC Entity must conduct its business in or from the DMCC Free Zone in order to maintain an active License. If a DMCC Entity has any business or operations outside of the DMCC Free Zone, it must have obtained the required acknowledgement letter from the Registrar and approvals from any other relevant UAE Governmental Authority to do so.”


The market practice has been that a free zone company can have customers located outside of the free zone as long as the said free zone company is providing its services from the geographical area of the free zone. However, there is no clear definition of whether something constitutes having “any business or operations outside of the DMCC Free Zone” so consequently there is no “bright line” test.


It would appear that many of the Eligible Service Activities can be conducted from the geographical area of the free zone. However, should a DMCC company consider that its current operations may constitute it doing business outside of the DMCC free zone or if it wishes to operate onshore and it is licensed for an Eligible Service Activity, it should consider applying for the relevant NOCs. ■


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Afridi & Angell’s corporate department works with many DMCC company clients and has extensive experience in advising such clients. Should you have any questions with respect to obtaining the relevant approvals to conduct business onshore, please contact the authors or your usual Afridi & Angell contact.

New Measures Implemented by the UAE Authorities in Response to COVID-19 (29 April 2020)

Below is a summary of key new measures that have been implemented by various UAE authorities since 25 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, 30 April 2020.


I. Economic Relief Measures


A. Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) announces further incentives to support businesses


On 29 April 2020 the ADGM Registration Authority enacted incentives for new businesses, aimed at supporting the establishment of their operations amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


These incentives are in addition to previously introduced measures by the ADGM which included, among others, a 50 percent waiver on the imposed ADGM FSRA supervision fee, and a 100 percent waiver on the renewal of commercial licensing fees, which will be applicable until 25 March 2021.


The newly enacted incentives for new businesses will commence on 3 May 2020 until 31 December 2020, and include the following:


• A 50 percent reduction on fees associated with the incorporation of new ADGM companies and limited liability partnerships (including branches). The incentives will be applicable to ADGM’s new applicants for financial, non-financial and retail license types, excluding special purpose vehicles, ADGM foundations, venture capital firms, tech start up applicants (seed and emergent), accelerators and incubators, and professional associations.


• A 100 percent reduction on the continuation fee for companies wishing to continue into ADGM from a foreign jurisdiction.


• Existing ADGM companies and limited liability partnerships are now able to request up to three months extension on the nine-month timeline for filing of annual accounts by demonstrating to the Registrar the circumstances hindering their ability to comply with such obligation.


B. Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (DAFZA) incentive packages


On 26 April 2020 DAFZA launched the following incentive packages to support companies operating in the free zone:


1. postponing lease payments for up to three months and facilitating financial payments into easier monthly instalments;


2. exempting retailers from lease payments for a period of up to three months;


3. refunding security deposits on leased spaces and labour guarantees to companies;


4. exempting new companies from registration and licencing fees; and


5. cancelling fines issued to companies.


C. Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone (SPCFZ) economic relief packages


On 25 April 2020 the SPCFZ announced the following economic relief packages to support the business continuity of operating enterprises:


1. a three-month rental fee waiver to ready officeholders who occupy both furnished and unfurnished spaces;


2. a 15 percent rental fee waiver for those who occupy open spaces at SPCFZ; and


3. a 30 percent package fee reduction for all Flexi desk and Dedicated desk customers.


The SPCFZ management has also confirmed that they will not encash any post-dated customer instalment cheques from April to June 2020, and will waive any penalties they may have imposed on businesses until the end of 2020.


II. Precautionary Measures


Instructions from the Federal Transport Authority – Land & Maritime (FTA)


On 27 April 2020 the FTA issued Circular 8 of 2020 listing the following precautionary measures aimed at protecting workers in the UAE ports and territorial waters.


1. Dry docks and ship repair yards


a) All vessels are prohibited from entering any of the UAE dry docks or ship repair yards until the vessel and its crew completes 14 days of quarantine prior to the date of departure from its last port of departure.


b) Notwithstanding point a) above, a vessel operator, in coordination with the vessel agent, shall inform the competent UAE health authorities of any symptoms of suspected COVID-19 cases in order to avoid penalties imposed in the UAE for failure to report such cases.


2. Commercial and private cruising boats


a) All commercial and personal recreational sailing activities will be suspended during the National Disinfection Programme. Individuals residing on islands and mountainous districts who rely on water boats as their primary mode of transport to reach mainland are excluded from this precautionary measure.


b) Foreign yachts will not be allowed entry into nor will they be issued permits to cruise UAE territorial waters.


3. Wooden vessels


Wooden vessels allowed into UAE waters and ports are limited to the following:


a) Vessels loaded with food supplies and fish.


b) Empty vessels with a pre-existing contract to load ready goods.


c) Empty, foreign-registered vessels without a pre-existing contract to purchase goods in the local UAE market are not allowed entry into the UAE ports.


d) Vessels are allowed to remain in UAE waters and ports for a maximum period of seven days while maintaining social distancing protocols and no mixing with crew of other vessels.


III. Technology


AlHosn UAE App


The Ministry of Health and Prevention, Abu Dhabi Health Authority and Dubai Health Authority have jointly launched an app named AlHosn UAE, an official digital platform for COVID-19 tests in the UAE.


The app can be downloaded free of charge on smart devices operating on Android and IOS and will be an official digital platform for COVID-19 tests in the UAE.


The app combines the benefits of StayHome and TraceCovid, the two apps previously launched by the Department of Health. It also guarantees high degree of privacy protection to users through artificial intelligence and other technological tools.


Similar to the TraceCovid app, AlHosn UAE app depends on the use of short-term Bluetooth signals, to show whether the person is in close proximity to people who have had contact with patients infected with the COVID-19 virus. This is possible if infected patients also have the same app on their smart phones as the phones exchange the metadata stored in them. The app is encrypted and the data remain only on the user’s phone. Through this data, the competent health authorities can quickly identify people at risk of transmission of the virus so they can communicate with them. ■



Employment Measures for Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Employers During COVID-19

Presidential Directive No. 4 of 2020 (Directive) is the most recent measure taken in the DIFC to ensure proper management in the DIFC during COVID-19.


The Directive, issued on 21 April 2020 with immediate effect, announced employment and workforce measures which shall stay in effect up to and including 31 July 2020 (referred to herein as COVID-19 emergency period).


We will discuss in this inBrief employment measures included in the Directive. In so far as may be required to facilitate the implementation of employment measures included in the Directive, the Directive will supersede other relevant provisions contained in Law No. 2 of 2019 (DIFC Employment Law).


Emergency Employment Measures


During the COVID-19 emergency period, employers may impose one or more of the following employment measures in respect of any of their employees:


• reduction in working hours

• vacation leave

• leave without pay

• temporary reduction in remuneration

• workplace access restriction

• remote working conditions including remote working requirements


To that effect, the following provisions in the DIFC Employment Law shall not apply to employees during the COVID-19 emergency period:

Article 14(3)


Any amendment to an Employment Contract must be in writing and signed by both the Employer and Employee, unless such amendment is of an administrative nature only, in which case the Employer shall be required to record such amendment in writing and to give written notice thereof to the Employee prior to the amendment taking effect.’


Article 29(2)


The Employer may require an Employee to take Vacation Leave on specified days in the current Vacation Leave Year by giving at least seven (7) days prior written notice to the Employee.’


Article 30(1)


Vacation Leave accrues during an Employee’s first year of employment on a monthly basis at the rate of one-twelfth (1/12) of the Employee’s annual entitlement to Vacation Leave.’


Article 4(1)(b)(i) of the DIFC Employment Law, stating the physical location of employees to whom the DIFC Employment Law applies, is deemed to be satisfied for employees who work for employers in or from the DIFC by way of remote working during the COVID-19 emergency period.


An employer wishing to apply any of the above measures can do so without the prior consent of the affected employee. The employer is required, however, to give five days prior notice in writing to the affected employee.


COVID-19 Related Sick Leave 


Under the Directive, sick leave taken by an employee during the COVID-19 emergency period as a consequence of having contracted COVID-19 or for being placed in quarantine shall not count towards sick leave entitlement of the employee as stated in the following provision of the DIFC Employment Law:


Article 34(1)


An Employee is entitled to Sick Leave of sixty (60) consecutive or intermittent Work Days in aggregate in a twelve (12) month period. Any references in Articles 35 and 36 to a twelve (12) month period shall be deemed to be the same period as referred to in this Article 34(1).’


Additionally, employees in this case shall be entitled to 100 percent of their daily wage for the duration of the sick leave and may not be subject to any of the above emergency employment measures if those measures were not imposed on them prior to taking a COVID-19 related sick leave.


Finally, the following provision of the DIFC Employment Law shall not apply in the case of a COVID-19 related sick leave:


Article 36(1)


Where an Employee takes more than an aggregate of sixty (60) Work Days of Sick Leave in a twelve (12) month period, the Employer may terminate the Employment Contract with immediate effect on written notice to the Employee.



Working Conditions


The following provisions of the DIFC Employment Law (both inclusive) do not apply to employees that are working remotely during the COVID-19 emergency period:


Article 43


General duties of Employers


1) An Employer has a duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its Employees.


2) An Employer shall provide and maintain a workplace that is free of discrimination and victimization and without risks to an Employee’s health and safety.


3) An Employer who contravenes Articles 43(1) or (2) is liable to a fine as set out in Schedule 2.’


Article 53


No penalties for preventing health and safety risks


An Employer shall not dismiss or otherwise penalise, directly or indirectly, any Employee for:


1) carrying out activities that may reasonably be considered to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety in the workplace where the Employee has been specifically designated to do so; or


a) taking reasonable steps to avert serious and imminent danger or for refusing to return to


b) the place of danger until the danger no longer exists.


2) An Employer who contravenes Article 53(1) is liable to a fine as set out in Schedule 2.’


Visa and Permits of Terminated Employees


During the emergency period, employers may defer the cancellation of residency visas of terminated employees provided that the employer continues to provide basic medical insurance and accommodation (where the terminated employee is dependent on the employer for accommodation) until the cancellation of terminated employees’ visas. No other core benefits or rights shall accrue in favour of terminated employees who remain on an employer’s sponsorship during the COVID-19 emergency period.


The following provision of the DIFC Employment Law shall not apply in the case of terminated employees during the COVID-19 emergency period:


Article 57(3)


If an Employee is sponsored for UAE residence visa purposes by their Employer, the Employer and the Employee must cooperate to ensure the cancellation of the Employee’s UAE residency visa as soon as reasonably practicable following the Termination Date and by no later than thirty (30) days following the Termination Date.’


DIFC Available Employee Database


The Government Services Office in the DIFC shall create and maintain the DIFC Available Employee Database (Database) consisting of employees that have been terminated or those that are surplus to employers’ need during the COVID-19 emergency period. This Database may be shared with any other competent authority maintaining a virtual labour market during the COVID-19 emergency period. DIFC employers wanting to employ new employees during the COVID-19 emergency period may search the Database.


Gratuity Payment Protection


The Directive ensures that end of service gratuity payments will not be adversely affected by the implementation of any of the Directive’s emergency measures. For purposes of Article 66(1) and Article 66(6) of the DIFC Employment Law, gratuity payments during the COVID-19 emergency period for all employees will be calculated by reference to an employee’s basic wage as at 29 February 2020.


Any shortfall of gratuity payment by employers who terminated employees subsequent to 1 March 2020 and prior to the issuance of this Directive shall be rectified by the employer topping up the shortfall. ■


New measures implemented by the UAE authorities in response to COVID-19 (25 April 2020)

Below is a summary of new developments and key new measures that have been implemented by various UAE authorities since 19 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, 25 April 2020.


I. First Phase of Easing of Lockdown and Movement Restrictions in Dubai


The Supreme Committee of Crisis and Disaster Management has announced a partial reduction in the restrictions on movement in Dubai starting from Friday 24 April 2020.

All individuals must follow preventive measures including ensuring two-metre distance from other individuals and wearing face masks. Those who do not wear a mask will be subject to a fine of AED 1,000.


A. Movement of the general public


• Individuals will be able to leave their homes between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. without a permit.

• Exercising outside the home: Members of the public are allowed to exercise outside their homes provided they do not leave their area of residence. They can undertake activities such as walking, running or cycling for one to two hours each time. Only a maximum of three persons can exercise at the same time.

• Members of the public are also permitted to visit first and second-degree relatives. Gatherings should be restricted to not more than five people. However, visiting high-risk individuals (individuals above 60 years and those with underlying medical conditions) should be avoided. It is prohibited to hold gatherings in public or private places.

• Ramadan tents and Majlises are not allowed within homes and in public places.


B. Shopping malls and commercial outlets


• Shopping malls, markets and commercial outlets will be open daily to the public from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Furthermore, restaurants and shops are allowed to operate at a maximum of 30 percent capacity at the shopping malls.

• Malls and retail outlets are not allowed to hold entertainment events to avoid congestion and crowding.

• There will be no valet parking at malls and restaurants. The first hour of parking in shopping malls will be free.

• Only 25 percent of the parking spaces will be open in order to reduce overcrowding in malls. The public should visit a mall only when absolutely necessary.


C. Restaurants and cafés


• Restaurants and cafés are allowed to operate normally but are not permitted to serve shisha and buffet. Dine-in customers are allowed but should occupy only a maximum of 30 percent of the outlet’s capacity.


D. Public transport


• Public transport services, including Dubai metro services, will be resumed from Sunday 26 April 2020. The normal tariff system will be reintroduced.

• Red and green line metro services will operate between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

• Preventive measures should be strictly followed by all passengers and staff in metros, taxis and buses and at public transport stations including maintaining physical distance and wearing face masks.

• Only two passengers are allowed in one taxi.

• Water transport, tram, limousine, and car sharing services will continue to be suspended.


E. Administrative offices for companies and institutions


• A maximum of 30 percent of the workforce of all organisations will be allowed to work from their offices while the rest will be required to work from home.

• Meetings should be held at the office only if it is absolutely necessary. Attendees should not exceed five people and each person should maintain a two-metre physical distance from others.

• Daily sterilisation of the workplace is mandatory and employees and visitors should be provided with sanitisers at all times. Everyone is required to wear face masks when at the workplace.


F. Re-opening guidelines in Abu Dhabi


The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development issued Circular 26 of 2020 on 22 April 2020 concerning guidelines and precautionary measures for re-opening of malls and shopping centres in Abu Dhabi. Those guidelines are similar to those of shopping malls in Dubai except opening hours will be from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


II. Economic Relief Measures


A. Dubai World Trade Centre Authority (DWTCA) releases COVID-19 measures to assist with financial sustainability and operational continuity


On 22 April 2020 the DWTCA unveiled a series of measures aimed at supporting enterprises within DWTCA to better manage their fixed operating costs and liquidity during COVID-19. These measures include:


1. Meetings Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions Business


a. for organisers – no cancellation and/or rescheduling fees; no penalties for late payments; allow carry forward of pre-paid fees as credit to 2021; and

b. for exhibitors (DWTC-owned exhibitions) – full refund on cancelled events and where new schedule is not feasible for participants.


2. Retail Tenants

Up to six-months rent-free on base rent (1 April 2020 – 30 September 2020) for retail tenants in the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre and One Central, impacted by mandatory public lock-down restrictions (e.g., Government enforced cancellations, and/or temporary facility closures).


3. SMEs and Start-up Tenants


Up to three-months base rent deferment for DWTCA commercial tenants (1 April 2020 – 30 June 2020).


4. Free Zone Businesses (effective for three months starting April to June 2020)


• seventy percent rebate on annual fees for all category-specific business registrations and licenses (new and renewal);

• fifty percent rebate on annual fees for general trade licenses and registrations; and

• zero percent administration fee on all visas – new, transfer and renewals.


B. Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) stimulus packages


The DSOA announced on 19 April 2020 that it would be implementing exemptions, incentives and flexible payment plans for companies, commercial tenants, and residents occupying buildings owned by the Authority.


1. Residential Projects


a. up to two months deferral on rent payments which can be rescheduled based on a payment plan over the remainder of the lease duration;

b. waiver of late payment fines until 31 August 2020;

c. monthly rental payment plans for existing and new tenants;

d. up to 10 percent discount on rental value upon renewal; and

e. additional discount of AED 2,000 for apartments and AED 5,000 for villas if annual rent is paid on time and in one instalment.


2. Retail Sector


a. rent waiver from 15 March 2020 for restaurants, shops, and gyms impacted by the closure until work is resumed;

b. postponement of rental payments for a three-month period;

c. waiving late payment fines until 31 August 2020;

d. reducing marketing fees by 25 percent;

e. up to 10 percent discount on rental value upon renewal for existing and new retailers;

f. additional 5 percent discount on the annual rent if paid on time and in one instalment; and

g. offering flexible payment plans.


3. Companies 


a. postponement of rental payments for a three-month period;

b. waiving late payment fines until 31 August 2020;

c. extending grace period until end of May 2020 for new companies;

d. up to 10 percent discount on rental value upon renewal for existing and new companies;

e. additional 5 percent discount on the annual rent if paid on time and in one instalment; and

f. offering flexible payment plans.


4. Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Campus


a. postponement of rental payments for a three-month period;

b. waiving late payment fines until 31 August 2020;

c. flexi desk and fixed desk tenants can pay rent in up to six instalments; and

d. additional five percent discount on the annual rent if paid on time and in one instalment.


C. Implementation guidelines of the Targeted Economic Support Scheme (TESS)


On 19 April 2020 the UAE Central Bank (CBUAE) released an announcement outlining regulations and guidelines in relation to TESS. Some of these guidelines include the following:


• Banks are urged to process more applications from individuals, corporations and SMEs whose business operations are affected by the implications of COVID-19.

• Banks are expected to retain sound lending standards and are required to treat all their customers fairly.

• During the validity of TESS, which runs up to year end 2020, banks are expected to postpone the payments of interest and/-or principal of loans for customers/individuals/SMEs and other private sector companies affected by the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, TESS includes a liquidity relief tool of AED 50 billion offered by the CBUAE through banks to eligible customers who wish to apply for a deferment.

• The CBUAE has mandated banks to accelerate the account opening time to a maximum of two days for SMEs, unless banks identify the customer as high risk from an anti-money laundering perspective.

• Banks shall not be allowed to require their SME customers to have a minimum account balance amounting to over AED 10,000. This measure is aimed at providing banks’ customers with economic relief and to facilitate the continuation of business operations in the UAE.

• Measures taken by CBUAE include the decrease of the minimum required down payment, to increase the affordability of real estate.


D. Service fee reduction by the Ministry of Economy


According to Cabinet Resolution No. 20 of 2020, on 21 April 2020 the Ministry of Economy published on its website a list of services whose fees have been reduced by 17 percent to 98 percent.


Click here for the updated list which is available in full on the ministry’s website.


III. Operations of the Courts


A. Dubai Courts


The Dubai Courts released Resolution No. 33 of 2020 concerning Remote Litigation Procedures and Continuity of Court Services (Resolution) which came into effect on 19 April 2020. Lawyers or customers wishing to benefit from court services shall use electronic systems of Dubai Courts Department to log into the smart application system. Natural persons would register in the “Al Salifa” system with a verified user account.


The following is an overview of the procedures outlined for various legal matters under the Resolution.


Matters        Procedure
Filing lawsuits, requests and amicable settlements All lawsuit applications or amicable settlements must be filed remotely through outsourcing offices or law firms or the courts e-system.
Family guidance and divorce certification Family guidance cases and divorce certification are filed and established remotely. Family counsel should send a WhatsApp message to the parties including the date and time of the session, the document required to be prepared by each party, and the action according to the legal proceedings.

On the session day, the family counsellor makes a conference call, using the office telephone or mobile phone, with the plaintiff, the defendant and the interpreter (if applicable).

Marriage contracts, certificates and attestations Marriages contracts shall be processed by legal marriage officers who may use remote communication technology to process these contracts with parties, whether in their presence or online.

Legal certifications and attestations, applications should be filed and fees paid remotely. The attestation officer communicates with the parties and witnesses to check identities and verify the completion of all required documentation and issues the attestation which is then sent to the applicant via email.

Summons and details of the parties All judicial summons, whether at the time of filing cases or notifications of judgements or executive deeds are served by SMS, email or other electronic means.
Remote case management The case department must follow up on the preparation of all cases remotely through video or audio communication technology. Video or audio communication technology includes remote attendance, exchange of documents and issuance of necessary decisions. Attendances and proceedings shall be recorded in the transcript of hearing.
Remote case consideration Remote communication technology will be used in all hearings of first instance, appeal and cassation courts, exchange of documents, hearing witnesses, deliberation, and issuance of decisions and rulings.

Hearing attendance and procedures will be recorded in transcripts of the hearing. Case files must be adjourned where a litigant fails to remotely attend hearings for any reason. The same applies to cases referred to Experts. In order to preserve the rights of litigants, no cases will be dismissed even if the litigant fails to electronically attend the hearings.

Remote expertise Expert appointment orders or decisions will be electronically sent from the competent court to advocates, experts and the Interpreters Affairs Department, and Expert fees deposited remotely through the electronic payment poral available on the Dubai Courts website. Advocates, experts and the Interpreters Affairs Department will delegate an Expert using the electronic system. The Expert then accepts the assignment through the electronic system and reviews the case file electronically. If the meetings are required, they will be held remotely by sending a link to all parties for remote attendance and specifying the time of the meeting. The Expert may submit requests to the competent court and file its report through the electronic system. The Expert then submits a request for disbursement of the Expert fees through the electronic system.
Execution and enforcement of judgements All applications, lawsuits and execution cases must be filed remotely through law firms, via the electronic case management system (Al Salifa) or by using the smart login system (smart applications) if filed by the litigants themselves. Cases and applications for execution will be considered remotely. Persons detained in police stations and penitentiary facilities will be interrogated via video calls.  Applications for paying judgement amounts in instalments and allowing “wanted persons” times and applications for attachments in execution files or cancellation of attachments will also be entertained remotely together with travel ban or ban lifting decisions through the direct link to the CHQ of Dubai Police.

Execution amounts will be deposited remotely through the (Idhafa) online portal for e-disbursement service into the bank account of the judgement creditor. Parenting times and visitation orders will also be enforced only (through) online visitation using video communication programs of courts or competent entities.

Criminal cases All criminal cases and detentions will be entertained remotely and extended using remote communication technology. The defendant’s lawyer may appear with the client during the trial via remote communication technology. If the defendant is a foreigner and is not fluent in Arabic, the court will seek assistance from an interpreter via the remote interpretation room. Courts will also coordinate with Public Prosecution and detention places in respect of remote consideration of criminal cases and extension of detention.


B. Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance


Further to our inBrief dated 7 April 2020 where we reported on Circular No. 7 of 2020 with regard to continuity of the Abu Dhabi Courts judicial process during the COVID-19 period, the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department announced on 22 April 2020 that the Abu Dhabi Court of First Instance had reinforced its remote litigation system through audio-visual technology, to include all civil, personal status, rental, urgent lawsuits, and inheritance circuits.


C. DIFC Courts


The DIFC Courts issued a notice on 23 April 2020 stating that the Registry’s physical return to the office will not be on 26 April 2020 as initially planned. It reported that over the past five weeks it has largely been business as usual with approximately 90 percent of hearings being conducted over telephone conference, or where possible, over video conference. The remaining 10 percent of hearings which have had to be postponed due to technicalities such as the swearing in of witnesses, will be listed in the first week after the Registry resumes work from the DIFC Courts’ offices.


The following e-mail addresses and contact details for various queries have been provided in the notice. Urgent queries and applications should first be addressed by contacting the Registry switchboard number on +971 4 427 3333 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Sunday to Thursday.



Query  E-Mail / Contact
Small Claims Tribunal enquiries sct@difccourts.ae
Case related enquiries registry@difccourts.ae
General enquiries enquiries@difccourts.ae
Practitioner registration enquiries registration@difccourts.ae
Probate related enquiries probate@difccourts.ae
Videoconferencing, Case Management System (eRegistry) and e-bundling enquiries ITHelpdesk@difccourts.ae
Even numbered Small Claims Tribunal (SCT) cases Ms. Hayley Norton

SCT Case Progression Officer

Mob: +971 56 656 5823

Odd numbered Small Claims Tribunal (SCT) cases and odd numbered ENF cases Ms. Mooza Al Ali

SCT Case Progression Officer

Mob: +971 56 5344 531

Odd numbered CFI, ARB, TCD and Court of Appeal (CA) cases Ms. Maitha Al Shehhi

Case Progression Officer

Mob: + 971 54 583 1223

Even numbered CFI, ARB, TCD, Court of Appeal (CA) cases and ENF cases Ms. Alia Al Obeidli

Case Progression Officer

Mob: +971 56 500 3184

All probate (PRB) cases Ms. Maitha Al Shehhi

Case Progression Officer

Mob: + 971 54 583 1223

Registrar on Duty (for urgent applications and emergency queries) Ms. Nour Hineidi

Deputy Registrar

Mob: +971 56 398 9583

E-mail: nour.hineidi@difccourts.ae

(With a copy to the Registry:  registry@difccourts.ae).


IV. Logistics and Technology


A. TraceCovid


Abu Dhabi Department of Health has recently launched an innovative mobile app called TraceCovid. The app can be downloaded and installed by anyone in the UAE using a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone operating on Android or iOS. The app will identify people who have been in close contact with those infected with the virus. The health authorities will be better placed better to quickly start the contact tracing consequently reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.


To operate, the app requires only two steps – installation and keeping the Bluetooth of the phone turned on constantly. The app relies on Bluetooth signals to detect and identify another device with the same installed app.


When two or more app users (with the app installed and running on the mobile phone) come in close proximity/contact, the app will exchange a unique code called the Secure Tracing Identifier (STI). This happens automatically without requiring any action from the user. STIs get stored on respective phones automatically and locally (i.e., not on the servers). When one app user gets infected with the COVID-19 virus the user must, as a normal process, contact a medical centre who will in turn inform the health authorities about the infected user. The health authorities will contact the infected user to request access and upload the user’s “TraceCovid data” i.e., list of STIs. The health authority will request the user’s consent before doing so. The contact tracers from the health authorities will then have the STIs of all the users who were in contact or close proximity with the COVID-19 patient.


The shared list of STIs will give health authorities a good starting point to start tracing, identifying, contacting and giving medical guidance to all those people who were in close proximity to the COVID-19 patient.


The app works irrespective of users knowing each other. This makes the app versatile and apt for safe community contact tracing to reduce the spread of COVID-19.



B. DP World’s online logistics tools


DP World has launched cutting-edge online logistics tools and services, covering sea, land and air shipping around the world. The connected ecosystem of platforms will enable freight forwarders and any business, to book shipments of cargo from and to anywhere in the world, by any combination of sea, land and air. DP World has accelerated the already planned roll-out of the platforms to help companies meet the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis and keep trade flowing including vital food and medical supplies.


V. Visa-Related Matters


Extension of DIFC residency visa validity


In line with the recent announcement made by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship concerning the extension of residency visa validity until 31 December 2020, the DIFC Authority announced the following measures and guidelines with respect to DIFC residency visas:


• All employees and their dependents (inside or outside the UAE) as well as all individuals inside the UAE with visas expiring after 1 March 2020 will have their entry permit validity extended until 31 December 2020.

• Employers wishing to submit applications for visa renewal can still apply on the DIFC Portal. The visa will be valid from the renewal date up to three years and medical fitness test will not be required. Individuals with expired visas who are eligible for the extension and need to exit the UAE are required to renew the visa before exiting the country.

• Employees with cancelled visas that could not exit the UAE due to the current travel restrictions will be able to have their overstay fines waived at the airport at the time of exit.

• Employees with cancelled visas or visit visa that are in the process of obtaining a new visa with a new employer must complete the change of status within the permitted grace period to avoid fines. Fines will still be applicable for this category.

• Entity establishment cards must be renewed on time. Late fines will still be applicable for delay in renewal of establishment cards. Entities must ensure that the DIFC license is renewed to be able to apply for establishment card renewal. The penalty for each month of delay is AED 100.

• The residency visa of individuals (with valid visa) who completed six months outside the UAE after 1 March 2020 will not be blocked until 31 December 2020.

• Individuals with cancelled visas who are applying for a new visa while they are inside the UAE (given that no overstay fines are issued to them) will be allowed to complete the new visa process without the medical fitness test. However, the visa will be issued for one year only. Visas issued for three years will still require a medical fitness test to be completed.

• The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship have started issuing electronic visa stamping and the same will be available under the service request documents list upon completing the visa process.


VI. VAT-Related Matters


Deadline to submit VAT returns extended to 28 May 2020


On 21 April 2020 the Federal Tax Authority issued a directive, on an exceptional basis, for an alternative deadline to file VAT tax returns and pay due taxes on 28 May 2020, for tax periods that ended on 31 March 2020.


This exceptional directive pertains only to VAT returns for the tax periods that ended on 31 March 2020, for both monthly and quarterly tax periods, and does not affect any other tax periods where the deadline for filing tax returns and settling of payable taxes does not fall in April 2020. ■

Operating guidelines for businesses following the easing and lifting of COVID-19 lockdowns


On 22 April 2020 the Government of Dubai and Dubai Economy issued guidelines for businesses and commercial centres for reopening and resuming activities following the 24-hour Stay Home and National Disinfection Programme initiatives. The guidelines are included in a document entitled ‘Guidelines & Protocols for Reopening’. Similar guidelines have been issued by the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development concerning malls in the UAE capital.


Reopening is expected to be implemented in a phased approach. Date and time of reopening have not been announced yet. Once announced, businesses and commercial centres can reopen after they have complied with the guidelines and protocols as set out by the government.


Activities included in the guidelines document issued by the Dubai Economy include:


• Wholesalers and retailers including shopping malls, high street shops, and souqs. It excludes family entertainment, prayer rooms and cinemas.


• Transportation and logistics services including the metro, buses and taxis; and excluding water transport, car sharing, trams and limo services.


• Construction activities including construction of buildings, civil engineering, and specialised construction activities.


• All manufacturing activities.


• All offices and office buildings.


• Social welfare services including elderly and PWD care homes, rehabilitation and autism centres, women and children shelters, day care centres and juvenile centres.


Guidelines include, among many others, reduced opening and visiting hours, operating at reduced capacity, mandatory testing of employees and shoppers upon entry into office buildings and shopping malls, observance of preventive protocols and measures including social distancing, and masks and gloves which must be worn at all times by employees and shoppers.


All businesses must be on standby for the official announcements  of  the  date  and time of reopening. ■