Afridi & Angell offers a primer on the new excise tax regime in the UAE,
focusing on the key provisions of the law, its impact and on what to expect
from the region.
Author: afridi-angell
The right to be forgotten
Afridi & Angell has recently successfully assisted two individuals in becoming forgotten. Put another way, we were able to convince the Dubai Financial Services Authority (the DFSA) that the names of the individuals should be removed from public documents available on the DFSA website. These included published regulatory actions (in the form of enforceable undertakings) and DFSA media releases.
The individuals had been associated with a regulated company in the Dubai International Financial Centre (the DIFC). The company had operated in the DIFC for several years, but in 2008 had the unhappy distinction of becoming the first business in the DIFC to be essentially closed down by the DFSA as a result of various regulatory concerns.
Afridi & Angell assisted the company throughout the DFSA investigation and enforcement process. We also assisted in the negotiation of the enforceable undertakings eventually provided by various individuals in late 2008.
The precise terms of the undertakings varied amongst the individuals, but included obligations such as the payment of fines to the DFSA, and the need to refrain from undertaking any sort of licensed activity in the DIFC for a period of time.
In the years following 2008 the individuals complied with the terms of their undertakings, and following the closure of the business, most left the UAE. Such is the nature of the internet, however, that details of the problems in the business, and of the roles of the individuals, followed them wherever they went, and for years afterwards.
The fact that the individuals were still suffering negative consequences in 2017, nearly a decade after the incidents that led to the DFSA’s regulatory concerns, prompted the individuals to seek a solution. The negative consequences included social stigma, such as when one of the individuals attempted to enroll his child in a new school, and found that the application was suspended until he could provide the principal with the details regarding the events in 2008. There were also more significant financial consequences, such as when one of the individuals failed to secure a particular professional position in part due to concerns over the 2008 events.
By virtue of being on the DFSA website, the undertakings and media releases were public documents.
These ongoing negative consequences were not proportional to the areas of concern that led to the giving of the undertakings in 2008. For this reason, we asked that the DFSA consider removing the undertakings from the DFSA’s website. As an alternative, we asked that the DFSA consider replacing the undertakings with a redacted version in which the individuals’ names were not disclosed.
Many countries have legislation aimed at the rehabilitation of offenders. Such legislation typically enables some criminal convictions to be ignored after a rehabilitation period. The intention is to prevent people from being punished indefinitely because of a relatively minor offence in their past. Here in the UAE there is a process by which some convicted criminals can apply to the police for their records to be sealed.
In addition to the widespread rehabilitation-of-offenders legislation, the “Right to Erasure” or the “Right to be Forgotten” is a developing legal concept in a number of jurisdictions. The nature of the internet means that information remains readily accessible for far longer than has been the historic norm. It is encouraging to see that the DFSA is willing to take notice of the evolving jurisprudence in this area. ■
VAT Registration in the UAE has Commenced
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has commenced accepting registrations for Value Added Tax (VAT) through its online portal.
Registrations are currently being accepted on a voluntary basis by entities that satisfy the following registration criteria:
- Any business resident in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) making supplies of goods or services in the UAE with a turnover subject to VAT of more than AED 375,000 in the last 12 months, or an expected turnover of more than AED 375,000 in the next 30 days (i.e. entities with mandatory registration requirements).
- Any business resident in the GCC making supplies of goods or services in the UAE with a turnover or expenses subject to VAT of more than AED 187,500 in the last 12 months, or an expected turnover or expenses of more than AED 187,500 in the next 30 days (i.e. entities who can voluntarily register).
- Any business resident outside of the GCC that expects to make supplies of goods or services within the UAE that does not have another entity to account for the VAT liability in the UAE on their behalf (there is no registration threshold for non-established taxable entities).
Businesses that satisfy mandatory registration requirements will need to ensure they are registered prior to 1 January 2018, whilst for businesses under the AED 375,000 threshold, registration at this time is purely voluntary.
For entities that have previously registered for Excise Tax with the FTA and already hold a Tax Registration Number (TRN), registration for vat registration UAE will still be required as a different TRN will be issued for their VAT registration.
Article 15 of the VAT Decree Law No. (8) of 2017 provides an exception to registration if an entity only supplies zero-rated supplies. A VAT registration application must still be completed through the FTA portal, however by answering ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Are you applying for an exception from VAT registration’, the applicant will have satisfied any mandatory requirements from a registration perspective.
It is relevant to note that although the VAT registration has commenced, the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet Decision in relation to the VAT Decree Law No. (8) of 2017, that are likely to contain many relevant operative provisions, are yet to be issued.
VAT Grouping
Each GCC country is provided the choice by the Common VAT Agreement of the States of the GCC to adopt VAT groups. VAT grouping law is domestic, meaning only local entities are allowed to be VAT-grouped together. There is no cross border VAT group concept, as not every country may elect to adopt VAT grouping.
Article 14 of the VAT Decree Law No. (8) of 2017 provides for two or more legal persons resident in the UAE that are conducting business to apply for VAT registration as a Tax Group.
VAT groups will be allowed where one person or one company controls the others. The applicant will need to explain and provide evidence of legal commercial control in order to form a VAT group.
In the UAE it is common to have multiple branches of the same entity registered in different emirates. From a legal and a VAT perspective they are not different entities. There is no VAT accounting needed when moving goods and services between branches as there is no supply to a different entity.
VAT grouping provides quasi branch treatment to entities with common control. VAT grouping is by election. For instance, in a scenario of 100 companies with common legal control, a differing number of companies could be placed in a VAT group based on operational and business priorities, although each company can only be part of one VAT group.
By grouping VAT payers with refund entities, VAT liabilities can be offset, possibly reducing cash flow implications created by the imposition of VAT. However, there appears to be the choice of not establishing any VAT groups and proceeding with individual VAT registrations. If the FTA perceives abuse of the grouping provisions in any situation (e.g. not grouping multiple entities to stay under registration thresholds) then the FTA has the power to refuse VAT grouping or remove entities from a group.
Once a VAT group has been successfully created, only one TRN number will be issued to the group and one VAT return will be required to be filed, resulting in a simplification of VAT administration.
Members of a VAT group become jointly and severally liable for each other’s VAT liabilities and can ignore transactions between entities within the group for VAT purposes.
VAT Registration Process
The FTA estimates that the registration process should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. However, this estimate is predicated on the applicant having all the relevant information compiled at the time of making the application. During the application process, various documents (listed in the table below) relating to the taxpayer’s entity will be requested to be lodged on the portal. Soft copies of the relevant documents should be available before commencing the registration process.
Once an application has been submitted with the FTA for processing, it will be assessed to ensure the applicant satisfies all requirements to be eligible for a VAT registration. The FTA may require additional information for certain applications, and they will contact the applicant for clarification before the application is allowed to progress. Applications will be rejected if the FTA does not believe that all registration requirements are met. Once an application has been approved by the FTA, a TRN for VAT purposes will be issued. This will allow the registered entity to submit VAT returns, along with paying any VAT liability due. ■
Individual Person | Incorporated Entities (e.g. a Civil Company, a Sole Establishment, or a Limited Liability Company) | Non Corporate Entities (e.g. a Partnership, Trust, Charity, etc) | Government Entity |
Trade License(s) | Trade License(s) | Trade License(s) | Law or decree of establishment |
Emirates ID | Certificate of Incorporation (Free Zone Companies) | Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable) | Contact Information |
Passport ID Page | Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable) | Club or Association Registration | Bank Account Details |
Partnership Agreement (if applicable) | Articles of Association/Partnership Agreement (if applicable) | Contact Information | Customs Details (if applicable) |
Contact Information | Contact Information | Bank Account Details | Authorized Signatory Documents |
Bank Account Details | Bank Account Details | Financial Statements | |
Financial Statements | Financial Statements | Customs Details (if applicable) | |
Customs Details (if applicable) | Customs Details (if applicable) | Authorized Signatory Documents | |
Authorized Signatory Documents | Passport and Emirates ID of manager, owner and senior management | ||
Passport and Emirates ID of manager, owner and senior management |
Source: Federal Tax Authority website ( article by Afridi & Angell
Opportunities in Dubai’s healthcare sector
Dubai is the fastest growing healthcare market within the GCC and is becoming an increasingly attractive sector for investors. In this inBrief article we explain the key drivers behind this growth and set out the options available to investors wishing to enter the Dubai healthcare market.
The growth in Dubai’s healthcare market has largely been due to the following three key drivers:
1. Government support through the implementation of the Dubai Healthcare Strategy 2016-2021 (the Healthcare Strategy);
2. an under supply of medical centers, clinics and hospitals; and
3. an increasing demand for healthcare facilities due to population growth.
Under the Healthcare Strategy, Dubai is embarking on 15 strategic programs which will in turn generate significant opportunities for investors.
Of particular interest to investors will be Dubai’s medical tourism program which focuses on the promotion of the development of medical tourism in Dubai and positioning Dubai as a global health tourism destination.
In addition, under the Healthcare Strategy, the governance framework of Dubai’s healthcare sector is to be transformed and improved making it easier for investors to navigate. Currently, the healthcare sector is regulated by a number of government bodies, including the Ministry of Health and Prevention, the Insurance Authority and the Dubai Health Authority.
The government also aims to increase the level of healthcare in Dubai to ensure that international best practices are met. For example it is targeting 4.8 hospital beds per 1000 (rather than the current 2.1) which means Dubai is expected to see approximately seven hospitals built in the next eight years.
Options for Investors to Enter the Market
Public Private Partnerships: Pursuant to Dubai Law 22 of 2015 an investor may propose a public private partnership (PPP) with the government to build, finance and operate healthcare facilities. If accepted by the government, the government may directly contract with the investor without going to public tender for the project. The law permits a range of PPP models to be used, including concession agreements, build-operate-transfer, build-own-operate-transfer, build-transfer-operate, and manage and operate contracts.
Acquiring land and buildings: In Dubai, a foreign investor can acquire freehold title and long term leases of up to 99 years in designated areas in Dubai or in the free zones which can be used to build healthcare facilities with the requisite approvals. An owner or long-term lessor may also lease the land (or build then lease the land and buildings) to an operator in order to predictably monetize the investment.
Corporate investment or acquisition: The main factors for foreign investors to consider when investing in the healthcare sector in Dubai are the risk of litigation, the protection of intellectual property rights (for example, patents and any know-how concerning clinical processes and procedures), and the ongoing retention of quality medical professionals after the investment. Investors must also be aware that there are ownership restrictions for healthcare facilities. A foreign investor may only own a maximum of 49% of the share capital of a UAE limited liability company (being the most common form of body corporate used for such investment), with the remaining 51% being held by a UAE national (or a body corporate wholly owned by UAE nationals). A number of approvals must also be sought from the relevant authorities, including the Dubai Health Authority, which relate to both the licensing of the facility operator and approval of the facility design at each stage of design and construction. ■
VAT and excise tax
The UAE has issued substantive law on Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise Tax.
Federal decree law No.8 of 2017 deals with VAT. The imposition of VAT will commence in the UAE from 1 January 2018 at a rate of 5%. The VAT law provides a framework for implementation of VAT in the UAE. Many operative provisions specific to the UAE are not incorporated in the VAT law and instead will be disseminated in both the Executive Regulation and the Cabinet Decision to be issued in relation to the VAT law. Once issued, we will receive guidance on a number of areas which currently remain unlegislated. In the meantime, this inBrief deals with the provisions of the VAT law and information otherwise available in the public domain.
Tax Registration
Registration is mandatory for any taxable person/business if the total value of its taxable supplies made within the UAE exceeds the mandatory registration threshold of AED 375,000 over the previous 12 months period or, if it is anticipated that the taxable supplies will exceed the threshold in the next 30 days.
Voluntary registration is available for taxable persons/businesses that do not meet the mandatory registration threshold, but exceed the voluntary registration threshold of AED 187,500 subject to the same taxable supply tests above.
A taxable supply refers to a supply of goods or services made by a business in the UAE that may be taxed at a rate of either 5% or 0%. Reverse charged supplies and imports are also taken into consideration for this purpose, if a supply of such imported goods and services would be taxable if it were made in the UAE.
Entities which are not based in the UAE but provide goods or services in the UAE are also required to apply for registration if they meet the threshold requirements. Registrations will commence in the fourth quarter of 2017 via the Federal Tax Authority (the FTA) website.
Exempt and Zero Rated Items
The supply by a taxpayer of either an Exempt or Zero Rated good or service will result in no imposition of VAT on that transaction. Although the result of both categories of supply seems identical, these terms are not to be used interchangeably.
The key distinguishing feature between the two supplies is that a supplier of a Zero Rated good or service will be able to claim a refund on any VAT paid on their purchases (input tax) whilst a supplier of an Exempt good or service will be unable to recover any VAT paid on their purchases.
VAT law provides a list of Zero Rated and Exempt supplies. The list includes:
Zero Rated Supplies
- Exports of goods and services outside the GCC;
- International transportation and related services;
- Supplies of certain sea, air and land means of transportation (such as aircraft and ships);
- Certain investment grade precious metals of at least 99% purity (e.g. gold, silver and platinum);
- New residential properties that are supplied for the first time within 3 years of their construction;
- Supply of certain education services, and supply of relevant goods and services;
- Supply of certain healthcare services and supply of relevant goods and services;
- Supply of crude oil and natural gas.
Exempt Supplies
- Certain financial services including sharia compliant products;
- Residential properties (save those which are zero rated);
- Bare land;
- Local passenger transport.
Tax Grouping
VAT law provides for tax grouping which allows companies with common control and / or ownership to be combined together into one entity for the purposes of VAT. Only one VAT registration number will be issued to the group and a combined VAT return will be required to be filed for the group, resulting in a simplification of VAT administration.
Members of a VAT group become jointly and severally liable for each other’s VAT liabilities and no VAT will be payable on transactions among entities within the group.
VAT Interactions within the GCC
Generally a VAT registered customer must account for VAT paid in respect of purchases however certain transactions between entities within the GCC will be subject to VAT by Reverse Charge.
The concept of reverse charging VAT allows the simplification of transactions within a single market (i.e. GCC states). The Reverse Charge removes the obligation to account for the VAT on a sale from the supplier, and places it on the customer. It is a concessional relief measure to assist the FTA with its administration so that foreign businesses do not need to register for VAT.
When a transaction is subject to Reverse Charge, and if your customer in another GCC country is VAT registered, then you will not be required to charge local VAT.
The customer will Reverse Charge VAT (i.e. account for VAT on your behalf) on their VAT return in their GCC country whilst simultaneously claim a VAT refund for the VAT paid on the purchase on the same return (if appropriate).
For the vendor it will effectively result in a Zero Rated transaction, with full entitlement to a refund of any VAT paid locally and no further obligation to account for the transaction.
If a GCC customer is not VAT registered (e.g. a private consumer) then reverse charging does not occur and UAE VAT would be charged until the vendor exceeded the AED 375,000 registration threshold in that GCC jurisdiction, at which time VAT registration would be required.
Note that for the purposes of a single market (GCC) VAT treatment, only those countries will be taken into account that have implemented VAT at the relevant time; the non-implementing countries would be treated like any other foreign country.
Application of VAT in UAE Free Zones
VAT law does not provide guidance to the application of VAT within any of the free zones in the UAE. It is expected that the Executive Regulation to the VAT law will specify the tax treatment of free zone entities.
VAT Compliance
Registered entities will be required to maintain records for at least a five year period.
Tax invoices issued are required to be denominated in Arab Emirate Dirhams (AED) and if a currency conversion is required to AED, only approved rates scheduled on the UAE Central Bank website may be used.
VAT returns will be required to be completed with summary level data and filed online via the FTA portal. Reporting of Emirate level sales data will be required, summarized per Emirate. This statistical information is important for each Emirate, as revenue from the implementation of VAT will be distributed between the Federal Government and each Emirate. All communications with the FTA will also be facilitated online via the same portal.
The VAT law provides for penalties (imprisonment and/or fines) for contravention of the provisions of the VAT law. Penalty rates have not been set and will be specified by Cabinet Decision. Late returns and errors on VAT returns will be penalized on a tax liability due basis, whilst compliance failures (e.g. persistent non lodgment of VAT returns) will be penalized on a fixed penalty per infraction.
Excise Tax
Federal decree law No.7 of 2017 deals with Excise Tax and became effective in the UAE as of 1 October 2017. A reasonably high rate of tax on a limited number of goods is imposed by way of an excise tax. This includes a 50% excise on carbonated drinks and a 100% excise on energy drinks and tobacco products. It is clear from the items on which excise has been applied that it is a tax to change social behavior by discouraging consumption of such products.
The introduction of Excise and Valued Added Taxation are likely to change the way business is conducted and administratively maintained in the UAE and the GCC. This is a paradigm shift in a region which was largely free of taxation and the associated tax infrastructure. Although the rate of VAT imposition is set at a low 5% initially, and as such its effect economically will not be severe, the development and eventual maturity of a tax regime will have a much more pronounced effect on the economy and businesses alike. ■
New ministerial decision brings clarity to private joint stock companies
The private joint stock company is one of the forms of company contemplated by UAE Federal Law No. 2 of 2015 concerning commercial companies (the Companies Law). The UAE Federal Ministry of Economy has now promulgated Ministerial Decision No. 539 of 2017 (the Ministerial Decision) which was issued on 29 May 2017 and is now in force, and expressly abrogates Ministerial Decision No. 370 of 2009 on the Register of Shares of Private Joint Stock Companies (and all other contradictory decisions and circulars). The Ministerial Decision brings much awaited clarity on the process for setting up and operating a private joint stock company (a PJSC).
Be VAT ready – tax procedures law is already here!
It has already been in the public domain for a while that VAT will be applicable in the UAE (and the GCC) from the beginning of 2018. Under the VAT regime, businesses will be collecting taxes on behalf of the government and will file tax returns accordingly. Although the tax is collected at each stage of value addition, the burden of tax falls only on the end consumer. For all the other stages, one can claim a refund. For this reason VAT is called ‘consumption tax’.
Various statutory and administrative actions are being taken for the timely and effective implementation of VAT. Following the establishment of the Federal Tax Authority (the Authority) under Federal Law No. 13 of 2016, the much awaited Tax Procedures Law has been issued as Federal Law No. 7 of 2017. The Tax Procedures Law establishes the framework for federal taxes administration in the UAE. Details will be added by executive regulations to be issued to supplement the Tax Procedures Law.
All the persons conducting any business or profession in the UAE are required to maintain accounting records. While the Tax Procedures Law defines a “Person” and a “Business” very broadly, note that in the context of VAT, persons and businesses subject to VAT will be specified in the substantive law which is yet to be issued. All taxable persons are required to register with the Authority to obtain a Tax Registration Number (TRN). The TRN is required to be quoted in all correspondence with the Authority. Tax returns are required to be filed in Arabic, however the Authority may permit filing in another language provided the person agrees to provide the Arabic copies when requested by the Authority.
The Tax Procedures Law creates a regime for registration of tax agents with the Authority. A registered tax agent can represent any person before the Authority and assist the person to file tax returns. To practise the profession, a person must be enrolled in the Register maintained by the Authority for such purpose, and the person shall also be licensed for this purpose by the Ministry of Economy and the competent local authority.
The Authority has been given wide powers of audit. A tax audit may be conducted at the Authority’s office or at the place of business of the person subject to the tax audit or any other place where such person carries on business, stores goods or keeps records. Ordinarily a five days prior notice is required to be given for a tax audit. However, on specified serious grounds, the Authority can conduct a tax audit without prior notice. To protect the rights of a tax assessee, a tax audit without notice requires prior written approval of the Director General of the Authority. In addition, approval of the Public Prosecutor is required if the audit is to take place at the assessee’s residence. An assessee also has a right to know the identity of the persons conducting a tax audit, ask for approvals for tax audit, obtain copies of any originals impounded by the Authority and attend the tax audit. The Authority also has the power to assess tax and administrative penalties. Tax evasion and related conduct is a criminal offence. Any penalty does not relinquish the requirement of paying the unpaid tax.
The Tax Procedures Law establishes a Tax Disputes Resolution Committee to decide disputes regarding the calculation and payment of tax. The Committee’s decision shall be final if the amount of the tax and administrative penalties does not exceed AED 100,000.
The Authority’s officers are bound by strict confidentiality obligations in relation to the information they obtain during a tax audit. Unless a tax evasion is proven, the Authority cannot conduct a tax audit after the lapse of a period of five years. The burden of proof for accuracy of a Tax Return lies on the person filing the return, and for tax evasion it lies on the Authority. VAT will come into force on 1 January 2018. Any business that is required to be registered for VAT and charge VAT from 1 January 2018 must be registered prior to that date.
The promulgation of the Tax Procedures Law is a significant step forward in the implementation of VAT in the UAE. Given the penal sanctions under the Tax Procedures Law, it is in the interest of all potential tax assessees to prepare early to comply with VAT. ■
Doing business in Sudan: investment opportunities
Sudan is one of the largest and most geographically diverse states in Africa, split into two countries in July 2011 after the people of the south voted for independence. It borders Egypt, Libya, Chad, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Sudan is also a country of great economic potential: a strategic location, gold reserves, oil & gas fields, other mineral resources, a favourable climate, as well as excellent irrigation and soil conditions.
Lifting of US Sanctions
In 1997, US president Bill Clinton imposed comprehensive trade sanctions against Sudan and blocked the assets of the Sudanese government. In January 2017, the Obama administration took steps to lift such sanctions, unfreeze assets and remove financial sanctions. The Trump administration appears to be continuing such lifting of sanctions. A full lifting of sanctions is expected to occur in the middle of July.
Investment Law
Sudan’s National Investment Encouragement Act (the Act) of 2013 promotes foreign direct investment and prohibits discrimination against foreigners in investments. The Act defines three types of investment projects: national, strategic and state. Sudan has put in place an open investment legislative framework with several laws and regulations that are modern and based on best practices. The Act also establishes the National Investment Council, chaired by the President of Sudan. The focus and objective of this council is to facilitate investment in all sectors of the Sudanese economy. The Act allows foreign and domestic private entities to establish and own business enterprises and to repatriate capital and profits.
Investment Opportunities
Sudan offers multiple investment opportunities:
• Natural Resources/Mining: Sudan has always been known for its abundant natural resources, especially gold, oil, gas, chrome, manganese, zinc, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel. Gold production in Sudan reached 22.3 tons in 2016, ranking as one of the top producers in Africa.
• Agriculture: With the majestic Nile river running through it, Sudan has more than 150 million hectares of arable land. The climate is suitable for all types of crops, and water irrigation is readily available and/or natural. Sudan specializes in cereal production (sorghum, millet, wheat, corn and rice), crops (cotton, sugar, peanuts, sesame, and gum Arabic), and tropical fruit and vegetables.
• Livestock: Sudan is highly regarded in both the Middle East and Africa with regards to its livestock and animal resources. Sudan has national animal resources, which include cattle, camels, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, and an annual stock of more than 110,000 tons of fish. The most important animal products in Sudan are milk, meat, poultry, skins, fur and wool.
• Transport: As Africa’s third-largest country and bordering seven countries, Sudan offers great opportunities for investment in the transport sector. The weakness in the transport network remains one of the greatest constraints to the economy.
• Industry: Investment opportunities in industry in Sudan include the following sub-sectors: agro-processing, food, spinning and textiles, leather, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, oil and soap, engineering, building materials and refractories, and printing and packing.
Given the recent lifting of a majority of sanctions and with the impending lifting of the remaining sanctions, Sudan offers unique investment opportunities and a welcoming business climate for the natural resources/mining industry, the agricultural industry, the livestock industry as well as others. Sudan is an emerging investment opportunity, offering access to one of the few internationally untouched markets. ■
Real estate litigation and arbitration, Property Weekly
Real estate litigation and arbitration: the mechanisms available to settle property disputes.
Evolution of the UAE, Legal Business
Afridi & Angell’s Bashir Ahmed and Abdus Samad discuss the ways the UAE is positioning itself in the global market.