This article is an insight into the filing requirements relating to beneficial ownership introduced by the United Arab Emirates.
Category: Publications
A Customs-free access?
The Federal Decree-Law 19 of 2018 on Foreign Direct Investment (the FDI Law) permits majority foreign investment in certain business sectors and activities. Although majority ownership is attractive, it is not the only factor that a potential foreign direct investor should consider.
One additional factor is whether the proposed business would qualify for the 5 per cent GCC customs duty exemption that is discussed below. Customs-exempt access to the larger GCC market could be a critical factor to the success of a business.
Legal aspects of doing business in the Middle East
“Legal Aspects of Doing Business in the Middle East” provides comprehensive coverage on the requirements for doing business, prepared by local practitioners with expertise in business transactions. In this chapter, practical insights, commentary and analysis are offered on: regulation for business, forms of doing business, free zones, licensing of business by the Emirates, labour and immigration regulations and many needful topics you need to know for doing business in the UAE.
The Corporate Immigration Review (UAE chapter), 10th edition
A multi jurisdictional guide which covers the prevailing conditions in the global restructuring market in 2020 and highlights some of the more significant legal developments and trends during that period.
Lex Mundi global COVID-19 Government support measures report
Lex Mundi release a multi-jurisdictional comparison report on the Government support measures in place to combat COVID-19. Afridi & Angell, the esteemed UAE firm provide a detailed report on how the UAE Government are managing COVID-19 in the UAE.
Interim measures in practice: The Oath
Afridi & Angell was recently successful in obtaining interim orders from the Dubai Courts attaching bank guarantees pending commencement of arbitration proceedings. This publication explores the intimate details of the matter.
Banking Regulation (UAE chapter), Lexology Getting The Deal Through
This volume in the Getting the Deal Through series provides an overview of the regulations governing the banking industry and comparative analysis of key issues. Topics covered include: regulatory framework, supervision and enforcement, capital requirements, ownership, restrictions and implications and changes in control.
UAE Prosecution for IT Crimes Law – Legislative Insight, Lexis Middle East
Chatura Randeniya, partner at Afridi & Angell, examines and analyzes cybercrimes, more specifically he narrows in on the UAE Prosecution process for IT crimes.
Venture Capital Investment in the UAE: Market and Regulatory Overview
A Q&A guide to venture capital law in the United Arab Emirates.
The Q&A gives a high level overview of the venture capital market; tax incentives; fund structures; fund formation and regulation; investor protection; founder and employee incentivization and exits.
Three Years On: The Bankruptcy Regime in the United Arab Emirates
As we approach the third anniversary of the implementation of the Bankruptcy Law, Charles Laubach and Rahat Dar take a look at the current insolvency framework available in the UAE (including in the two financial free zones: Dubai international Financial Centre at the Abu Dhabi Global Market, each of which has adopted its own insolvency rules) to consider whether the aspirations underpinning the Bankruptcy Law have been realised.