Agents, dealers and service providers beware: UAE regulators to focus on DNFBP’s

Speaking at a recent conference in Dubai, representatives of several of the UAE’s regulatory authorities indicated that they will be significantly increasing their focus on the so-called Designated Non-Financial Business or Profession (DNFBP) sector. Senior members of the Dubai Financial Service Authority (DFSA), the UAE Ministry of Economy, the Securities and Commodities (SCA) and the Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) were unanimous in their commitment to cracking down on perceived weaknesses in the DNFBP sector, particularly in the context of anti-money laundering (AML) compliance.


The UAE is perhaps unusual in the number and variety of regulatory organisations with similar or overlapping remits, and businesses operating in the UAE are required to familiarise themselves with a number of different obligations, depending on where they fall in the regulatory mix. The precise definition of DNFBP therefore varies across the UAE, but broadly captures the following:


– Real estate agents;


– Dealers in precious metals and/or stones;


– Issuers and service providers in the field of virtual assets (crypto, tokens etc);


– Legal businesses, including notaries;


– Accounting, audit and insolvency firms; and


– Corporate service providers.


Anyone active in any of the above businesses in the UAE should be aware of their ongoing registration and reporting obligations. This includes all anti-money laundering (AML), Know Your Customers (KYC) and counter terrorist financing (CTF) obligations. The UAE regulators, not unreasonably, consider the DNFBP sector to be particular vulnerable to exploitation by both criminals and terrorist financiers.


Companies active in the UAE in any of the above businesses should ensure that they are properly registered where required as a DNFBP, and that their compliance policies and procedures adequately reflect their current obligations. The UAE regulators have expressly stated that they will be taking enforcement action in the sector in the coming months and years. Afridi & Angell can advise and assist in this area. ■

The new DIFC prescribed company regulations

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has introduced the DIFC Prescribed Company Regulations 2024 (the 2024 Regulations), replacing the DIFC Prescribed Company Regulations 2019 (as amended in 2020 and 2022) (together the Former Regulations). The 2024 Regulations came into effect on 15 July 2024 and expand the range of applicants eligible to incorporate a so called “prescribed company” in the DIFC.


Evolution of eligibility criteria


Under the Former Regulations, the following could establish a prescribed company in the DIFC:


1.) Qualifying Applicants: entities that could demonstrate an existing nexus to the DIFC, such as already being registered within the DIFC or affiliated with a DIFC-registered entity, or meeting specific criteria (e.g., being an ‘Authorised Firm’ or a ‘Government Entity’).


2.) Qualifying Purpose Applicants: applicants engaged in specific activities such as ‘Structured Financing,’ ‘Aviation,’ or ‘Crowdfunding Structures’.


Key changes


Expanded eligibility


The 2024 Regulations require that an applicant wishing to incorporate or continue a prescribed company in the DIFC must satisfy the DIFC Registrar of Companies of one of the following criteria:


1.) the prescribed company is controlled by:


GCC Persons: individuals who are citizens of a GCC member state, bodies corporate controlled by citizens of a GCC member state, entities with securities listed on a GCC exchange, and so called ‘Government Entities’;


Registered Persons: a body corporate incorporated, registered, or continued within the DIFC, excluding prescribed companies and non-profit organisations incorporated or continued within the DIFC; or


Authorised Firms: any person holding a license granted by the Dubai Financial Services Authority or by a recognised financial regulator within the UAE or certain other jurisdictions.


2.) the prescribed company is established or continued in the DIFC for the purpose of holding legal title to, or controlling, one or more GCC Registrable Assets[1].


3.) the proposed prescribed company is established or continued in the DIFC for a Qualifying Purpose[2].


4.) the prescribed company established or continued in the DIFC has a director who is an employee of a “Corporate Service Provider[3]” and that Corporate Service Provider has an arrangement with the DIFC Registrar of Companies in accordance with Regulation 3.3.2 of the 2024 Regulations.


Employment restriction


The 2024 Regulations have introduced an express prohibition on a prescribed company employing staff. This restriction does not extend to the appointment of directors.




The 2024 Regulations mark a significant shift in the DIFC regulatory landscape, making it more inclusive and flexible for a wider range of applicants and purposes. We anticipate that the 2024 Regulations will make the DIFC prescribed company more attractive for use in corporate structuring. ■




[1] A GCC Registrable Asset is defined in the 2024 Regulations as: an asset or property interest that must registered with a GCC Authority to establish legal ownership, secure rights, or encumbrances against it, and to provide public notice of such interests, including: (a) land and real property; (b) shares in companies; (c) partnership interests; (d) intellectual property; and (e) aircraft and Maritime Vessels.


[2] A Qualifying Purpose is defined in the 2024 Regulations as being any of the following: (a) an “Aviation Structure”; (b) a “Crowdfunding Structure”; (c) an “Intellectual Property Structure”; (d) a “Maritime Structure”; (e) a “Structured Financing.


[3] A Corporate Service Provider is defined in the 2024 Regulations as: a person registered with the DFSA as a Designated Non-Financial Business or Professional that undertakes corporate services business in the DIFC.

New Commercial Transactions Law: Amendment to the Period of Limitation

The new commercial transactions law (Federal Decree Law 50/2022), which abrogated Federal Law 18/1993, has significantly reduced the period of limitation for initiating action relating to commercial transactions between ‘merchants’ from ten years to five years.


Application of the new commercial transactions law

The new commercial transactions law applies to merchants and all forms of commercial activities. The new commercial transactions law has broadened its ambit to include virtual commercial activities as well, i.e., commercial activities carried out by any person (even if the person is not a trader) through modern mediums of technology or in the technological sphere. The term ‘merchants’ is broadly defined and includes every person performing acts of commerce, and every company engaging in commercial activity in a form specified by Federal Decree Law 32/2021 on Commercial Companies.


The period of limitation

Under the now-repealed 1993 commercial transactions law, parties could bring actions relating to the commercial obligations of merchants within ten years from the breach of a contractual obligation (Old Period of Limitation). However, the new commercial transactions law prescribes that parties must initiate action within five years from the date the cause of action arises (New Period of Limitation). It is pertinent to note that the New Period of Limitation is shorter than the limitation period prescribed by the laws of England and Wales, which is six years from the date the cause of action arises.


What effect does the new limitation period have on a cause of action that arose before the new law?

An important question that would arise is, what would happen to those transactions where the cause of action arose prior to the effective date of the new commercial transactions law? The answer may be found in Articles 6 and 7 of the UAE Civil Code:


a) If the application of the New Period of Limitation would result in the expiry of a party’s right to commence action prior to the new commercial transactions law coming into force (2 January 2023), the Old Period of Limitation will be applied. For example, if the cause of action arose in 2014, in accordance with the Old Period of Limitation, the party would have the right to institute action until 2024. On the other hand, if the New Period of Limitation were to be applied, the party’s right would have lapsed in 2019 (prior to the new commercial transactions law coming into force). In such circumstances, the Old Period of Limitation will be applicable in order to prevent prejudice being caused to such party


b) If, on the effective date of the new commercial transactions law, the duration of a party’s right to commence action is longer than the New Period of Limitation, the duration of such right will be reduced in accordance with the New Period of Limitation. For instance, if on 2 January 2023, a party has the right to bring an action within eight years, such right will be reduced to five years.


c) If, on the effective date of the new commercial transactions law, a party has the right to commence an action within three years (shorter than the New Period of Limitation), the period of three years will continue to apply. ■

Executive Regulations concerning the UAE Consumer Protection Law

The UAE Cabinet recently issued Cabinet Decision 66 of 2023 (the Executive Regulations) concerning the executive regulations of the Federal Law 15 of 2020 on Consumer Protection (Consumer Protection Law). The Executive Regulations shall come into effect on 14 October 2023.


While the Consumer Protection Law previously laid down a broad framework for consumer protection in the UAE, the Executive Regulations appear to be not only a major step forward in the actual and practical implementation of this framework, but also cover additional elements of consumer rights, introduce a detailed mechanism for addressing consumer complaints, and impose heavy sanctions on suppliers. For example, an obligation has been imposed on suppliers to inform a consumer of any anticipated discount to be offered on a commodity, if such discount is expected to be offered within one week of the consumer’s purchase of the commodity.


It is pertinent to note that the definition of “Consumer” under the Consumer Protection Law does not differentiate between an individual and a company, and hence suppliers must be cautious to adhere to the applicable regulations while dealing with both: end-consumers utilizing the products/services for personal (non-commercial use) and also commercial consumers, obtaining products/services from suppliers for their business.


This inBrief sets out key features of the Executive Regulations.


Supplier’s accountability in e-commerce transactions

The Consumer Protection Law did not have much to offer in terms of consumer protection in relation to products or services availed through e-commerce platforms. Now, protection has been offered to consumers buying products online, by making the supplier responsible for any failure in the commodity offered by any third-party that uses the supplier’s platform for sale of such commodities.


This ensures greater accountability on e-commerce platforms while listing commodities for sale and may call for a back-end due diligence by the supplier on third party sellers before listing their products or services.


Detrimental conditions null and void

The Executive Regulations have detailed a list of terms and conditions, which may be considered detrimental to the consumers’ interests including, granting the supplier unilateral rights to amend or terminate contracts, obligating consumers to choose particular finance or insurance companies, etc. To offer further protection, the Executive Regulations clarify that such conditions will be null and void whether provided under any contract, invoice, documents or other manner relating to contracting with the consumer. This aims to protect consumers from falling prey to detrimental conditions imposed by suppliers with higher bargaining powers or detrimental conditions often included in the fine print of an invoice or terms and conditions while making a purchase.


Protection against misleading descriptions

While legislating misleading descriptions and advertisements of a commodity or service, the Executive Regulations define such descriptions and advertisements of commodities or services to be “deceptive” if they contain a misleading claim which creates a false or misleading impression to the consumer, including by way of deceptive trademarks, statements or logos. Moreover, the Executive Regulations prescribe a heavy fine of up to AED 250,000 for such misleading descriptions. This may be a significant measure to curb passing off of products having logos or trademarks of other manufacturers or brands.


Protection for children, the disabled and the elderly

The Executive Regulations go beyond the general disclosure requirements on packaging of commodities to specifically requiring suppliers to indicate the categories and age groups of consumers which may be susceptible to any risks upon using the commodity, in particular children, the disabled and the elderly.


Regulator’s power to counteract exorbitant price increases

A contingency measure has also been introduced under the Executive Regulations whereby the regulator has been given the power to take interim measures to curb exorbitant price increases (including by way of inflation). These measures include, among others, determination of prices of commodities and services, prohibitions on exports, and determination of quotes for sales.


Hefty Sanctions by the regulator

Hefty penalties and sanctions have been prescribed for any violation (by suppliers) of the Consumer Protection Law and/or the Executive Regulations. Penalties under the Executive Regulations range from a minimum of AED 50,000 to a maximum of AED 1 million. Under the Consumer Protection Law, penalty limits are higher with the possibility of imprisonment. Additionally, the regulator has the power to revoke the license of the supplier and order to strike off its name from the commercial registry.


Timeline for resolution of complaints

The Consumer Protection Law briefly touched upon the power of the regulator to receive consumer complaints and the Executive Regulations further describe the form in which a consumer complaint is to be submitted. There is no specified time period prescribed under the Executive Regulations (or the Consumer Protection Law) within which such complaints should be disposed of by the concerned regulatory authority. The regulatory authority is obligated to respond to the complainant depending on the nature of the complaint. ■


UAE: New End of Service Benefits Scheme for Employees in the Private Sector

The UAE Cabinet recently approved a scheme for the establishment of savings and investment funds for employees primarily in the private sector (including free zones). This scheme is an alternative to the current system of payment of end-of-service benefits (gratuity) to an employee at the end of his employment.


Participation in the scheme will be optional for employers. Under this scheme, the participating employer will be required to make a monthly contribution to the selected fund.


The funds will be supervised by the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority in coordination with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization.


The scheme is likely to have three investments options: (i) risk-free investment option (which will maintain the capital), (ii) low, medium or high risk-based investment options; and (iii) sharia-complaint investment option.


An employee will be entitled to receive his savings (contributions made by the employer) and returns on investments (as per the investment option selected) at the end of his employment. If employment has been terminated, it is likely that an employee will have the option to continue with the fund (without additional contribution from the previous employer) by not withdrawing his savings and returns.


Participating employers will not be required to pay end-of-service gratuity to the employees at the end of their employment. However, other benefits such as return ticket/air fare, payment of unused annual leaves and other contractual benefits will still be required to be paid by the employers at the end of an employee’s employment.


Additionally, employers are currently not required to make a provision in their accounting books for their end-of-service benefits liability. End-of-service benefits are only due and payable to an employee at the end of his employment. In case an employer is in financial difficulties, such an employer is often unable to make payment of the end of service benefits to its employees. However, under the new scheme, employers will be required to make monthly contribution. Even if an employer is facing financial difficulties, if the said employer has already made monthly contributions, at least certain part of the end-of-service benefits of its employees will be protected.


There is currently no similar scheme in the UAE except for the pension scheme that is only applicable to GCC national employees and the DIFC Employee Workplace Savings Scheme (DEWS).


Detailed legislation regarding the scheme and its implementation is expected in due course. ■

Private Equity in the United Arab Emirates: Market and Regulatory Overview

A Q&A guide to private equity law in the United Arab Emirates.


The Q&A gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the market; investment incentives for institutional and private investors; the mechanics involved in establishing a private equity fund; equity and debt finance issues in a private equity transaction; issues surrounding buyouts and the relationship between the portfolio company’s managers and the private equity funds; management incentives; and exit routes from investments. Details on national private equity and venture capital associations are also included.

ESG in the UAE: Has it arrived?

Over the past few years, the United Arab Emirates has witnessed an increase in awareness and significance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. While businesses in the UAE have begun to acknowledge that conscious efforts towards ESG compliance is imperative for growth and longevity of their business, the question remains whether ESG compliance can truly be said to now form a part of the UAE compliance ecosystem.


ESG significance on the rise: Key Factors


M&A has been on a steady rise in the MENA region (with the UAE continuing to demonstrate resilience despite global headwinds). ESG compliance has become a point of concern for investors, who are frequently concerned to fully investigate and understand the nature and extent of ESG compliance by UAE targets.


In cases where such compliance can be successfully demonstrated, investors derive comfort regarding sustainable financial performance and the ability of the management to identify and account for long term business risks. On the other hand, a lack of transparency concerning ESG compliance often results in questions regarding the sustainability of the business and management’s lack of sensitivity to an issue that is increasingly important to investors and stakeholders.


As a consequence, ESG rating agencies are often engaged by potential investors for the purposes of conducting an ESG diligence which has led to the “ESG Score/Ratings” becoming increasingly significant in evaluating, and to an extent negotiating certain contours of an investment. In most cases, the ESG score/rating will have a direct impact on the valuation of a target.


Good-to-have or must-have: Where do we stand?


While the UAE business ecosystem awaits further and more granular regulation of ESG matters, the question arises whether UAE businesses should of their own initiative, take cognizance of an issue that is now at the core of many investment mandates. Improved capability of risk management, higher brand value, advantage over non-compliant competitors and potentially reduced business costs resulting in higher valuation are only a few of the factors that influence the decision-making process. ■

Emiratisation deadline for the private sector set at 30 June for 2023 half yearly targets

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has announced 30 June 2023 as the deadline for private sector companies with 50 employees or more to achieve their half-yearly Emiratisation targets, set at 1% of skilled jobs. This is in addition to the 2% Emiratisation that companies should have achieved by the end of 2022.


Organizations that failed to meet the 2022 targets were subject to a fine of AED 6,000 a month or AED 72,000 a year for each Emirati national not hired as per the Emiratisation norms. Post June 2023, fines will be applied on non-compliant companies for not achieving the required half-yearly rate for 2023 as well as the 2022 targets. A penalty of AED 42,000 (on half yearly basis) will be applied for every Emirati national not hired as per the Emiratisation norms by 30 June 2023. The calculation is based on a penalty of AED 7,000 per month for 2023 and will increase by AED 1,000 annually for each year until 2026.


Please refer to our earlier inBrief, where we had provided an overview of the Emiratisation requirements, applicability thresholds and the consequences of non-compliance, for further details. ■

Corporate Tax: Threshold for “small business relief” set at AED 3 million or less

The UAE Ministry of Finance today issued a new ministerial decision providing the threshold for “Small Business Relief”. Accordingly, taxable persons that are resident persons can claim “Small Business Relief” pursuant to Article 21 of the Corporate Tax Law if their revenue in the relevant tax period is below AED 3 million for the taxable period. If however the revenue threshold of AED 3 million for each tax period is exceeded, the “Small Business Relief” will not be available. This means that a taxable person that generates revenue of AED 3 million or less for each taxable period may elect to be treated as not having derived any taxable income.


The AED 3 million revenue threshold will apply to tax periods starting on or after 1 June 2023 and subsequent periods ending on or before 31 December 2026. ■