Choosing the Right Offshore Jurisdiction

Wealth and estate planning that make use of so-called offshore trust structures are popular. Such structures are useful for many reasons, including to support individuals and families who are seeking a change in residency, and to offer longevity, predictability and security that is not always available in one’s home country. They can more readily adapt to beneficiaries in different and changing jurisdictions, and in the right circumstances they can offer tax efficiencies. If you have determined that an offshore structure is right for you, you will find that there are many offshore jurisdictions that could potentially be suitable for your needs. This inBrief looks at how to go about evaluating and selecting the right jurisdiction for your structure.


A brief summary of some of the factors you should take into account follows:


– A zero-tax environment. Many jurisdictions offer this.


– Reputability. This is really a colloquial catch-all for how well the jurisdiction adopts and implements FATF guidelines, OECD (and US) tax and reporting rules, transparency and level of cooperativeness of local government and courts, among other things. The international reputation is not a matter of perception, but much more importantly, it is a matter of how willing other professionals and financial service providers will be to deal with entities formed in that jurisdiction.


– Regulatory compliance. This is related to reputability. A jurisdiction that is compliance-focused will be more readily welcomed by banks, investment managers, insurers, land and asset registries, and others that will interact with the entity you establish. In this context, compliance refers essentially to thorough disclosure of beneficial ownership and processes to keep it up to date and verifiable, and accessible to legitimate government inquiry (not to the public, necessarily).


– Quality of service providers. Offshore structures such as trusts can only function properly if they are serviced by qualified, experienced, reliable service providers, in particular trust companies acting as trustees (others include accountants, lawyers, private bankers, investment managers, and insurance advisors). It is of great benefit to establish a trust in a jurisdiction with a mature market of well-established service providers.


– The legal environment. Offshore jurisdictions tend to have well-developed laws regulating their trust industry, and many have developed issue-specific specializations.  Depending on your priorities and what you wish to achieve with your trust, you may be better served by one jurisdiction or another.  For instance, the Cook Islands have a relatively strong position protecting Cook Islands trusts against foreign claims.  The British Virgin Islands offer a special regime for so-called VISTA trusts[1], which have advantages when the trust acts as a holding vehicle for shares in an underlying company, especially where the underlying investments are relatively high risk.  The Cayman Islands have a special regime for so-called STAR trusts, which allow for non-charitable purpose trusts, useful for creating “orphan” structures, for example.  There are other examples, and many other uses for VISTA and STAR trusts[2].


– The courts. This is really part of the legal environment, but it deserves a separate mention. The track record of the courts in upholding the local laws, and their ability to address trust-related claims in a manner that is sophisticated and predictable is an important factor.


– Privacy. This is also part of the legal environment but deserves a separate mention too. Robust, modern privacy laws are important to ensure that your sensitive personal and financial information is not misused or disclosed to third parties or the public or potential bad actors. It is worth clarifying that “privacy” does not mean “secrecy”, and that any reputable jurisdiction will have detailed beneficial ownership disclosure requirements, and will have international reporting obligations and exchange-of-information treaties, including among tax authorities. The purpose of an offshore structure is not to conceal information from governmental authorities who have a legitimate interest. This was the case decades ago and is the source of negative stereotyping of offshore jurisdictions which continues in the media to this day, ignoring the enormous reforms in transparency, regulation and international disclosure that have occurred over the years.


– Political stability. A long track record of peace and good order and rule of law is critical. Trusts for wealth and estate planning purposes are often intended to last for many years, over multiple generations.


– Cost. The cost of establishing and ongoing maintenance of the trust or other structure is a legitimate focus, of course, but in our view is not the primary driver. The other factors listed above are more important, and, the cost tends to be relatively similar across the board, with limited exceptions.


In our view, among the factors listed above, by far the most important factors to focus on are the legal environment and the quality of trust service providers. The legal environment is important because the objectives for the trust may be better served by the laws of one jurisdiction or another. The quality of trust service providers is important not only for the reasons summarized above but also because a good service provider brings with it its own standards and safeguards around privacy (and the IT infrastructure and culture of compliance that goes with that), often at a level higher than that required by local laws.


A good service provider will also attract qualified personnel, will be responsive, service-oriented, and will be helpful and capable whenever new demands arise.


If you have identified jurisdictions that are reputable, and which have a legal environment that supports your needs, and which have quality service providers available, you can consider some of the softer tie-breaker considerations, such as time zone for ease of communication, and physical accessibility in the event you wish to personally visit from time to time to meet your trustees or other providers.


During the planning phase, it can be useful to weigh the pros and cons of different jurisdictions for a number of reasons. Good planning sometimes entails utilizing a structure with elements in multiple jurisdictions (a private investment company owned by a trust, each in different jurisdictions, for example); and, it can be helpful to consider an alternate jurisdiction in case you wish to re-domicile your trust (most offshore trusts are portable from one jurisdiction to another, if the trust deed allows for it).


The above is not intended to be a definitive list, and specific factual context must always be taken into account. The factors set out above should usually present a reasonable starting point.


If you are considering an offshore trust structure or have questions about whether it may be suitable for you, or which jurisdiction may suit your needs, please contact us and we will be happy to help. ■




[1] Trusts created under the Virgin Islands Special Trust Act 2003 (as amended) (British Virgin Island)

[2] Trusts created under the Special Trusts (Alternative Regime) Law 1997 (Cayman Island)

The Era of Crypto

The new year, 2022, will be the year in which cryptocurrencies gain more legitimacy worldwide through government regulation, oversight and further acceptance. Indeed, in December 2021, the Dubai World Trade Centre announced that it will become a crypto zone and a regulator for cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets – including digital assets, products, operators and exchanges. In September 2021, the country of El Salvador officially recognized Bitcoin as legal tender. Mexico has stated that it will have its own digital currency by 2024.


What is cryptocurrency?


Cryptocurrency is an electronic cash system, which removes the need for a centralized server (or bank) when a transaction is made. Instead of using a bank as intermediary, a transaction is communicated to and stored electronically simultaneously in multiple, geographically diverse computers (servers) at once. Such distributed, simultaneous notification and storage of such transaction on all these computers establishes that it is legitimate and prevents unauthorized changes later to such transaction. This is how blockchain technology works. A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted third party (i.e., a bank).


Why are cryptocurrencies popular?


One reason why crypto is so popular is because it doesn’t require too much effort or the involvement of third parties – only a computer.


Furthermore, many have predicted that cryptocurrencies will become the future primary currency in the world as they remove the need for banks from transactions and significantly reduces the cost of transactions.


Initial coin offerings


Much like in the physical world in which private companies go public by listing and selling their shares on public exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, cryptocurrencies have initial coin offerings. An initial coin offering is an event where a company sells a new cryptocurrency to raise money. Investors receive cryptocurrency in exchange for their financial contributions. In many ways, an initial coin offering is the cryptocurrency version of an initial public offering in the stock market. With the growth of the crypto industry, initial coin offerings have also increased in popularity.




The new trend in the crypto industry is NFTs. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain (the Ethereum blockchain is one of the most popular for this purpose), a form of digital ledger. NFTs can be associated with reproducible digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. So NFTs can really be anything digital (such as drawings or music), but a lot of the current excitement is around using the tech to sell and trade digital art. This has very recently created a unique market of buyers and sellers for digital art.


Legal considerations


In the United Arab Emirates, the Securities and Commodities Authority’s Decision No. 23 of 2020 concerning Crypto Assets Activities Regulation. This regulation aims at regulating the offering, issuing, listing and trading of crypto assets in the UAE and related financial activities. The Central Bank has also issued the Retail Payment Services and Card Schemes Regulation regulating payment tokens.


The two financial free zones in the UAE are also becoming more active with respect to the crypto industry. The Dubai International Financial Centre has recently released the first part of a regulatory framework for digital tokens. The Abu Dhabi Global Market issued the Financial Services and Markets Regulations 2015 which regulates virtual assets.


The Dubai Virtual Assets Regulation Law


On March 11, 2022, the Dubai government issued the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulation Law (VAR Law). His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum said “We have established an independent authority to oversee the development of the best business environment in the world for virtual assets in terms of regulation, licensing and governance and in line with local and global financial systems”.


The VAR Law regulates virtual assets (which include Bitcoin) and virtual tokens (such as NFTs) via the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) at the Dubai World Trade Centre. VARA aims, among other things, to promote Dubai’s position as a regional and global destination in the field of virtual assets; contribute to attracting investments and companies operating in the filed of virtual assets; provide the necessary systems to protect investors and dealers in virtual assets; and set up the regulations, rules and standards necessary related to virtual assets. VARA will also organize, supervise and control the issuance and offering of virtual assets and virtual tokens (such as initial coin offerings).


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With the increased digitalization of business, the crypto industry, cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets are making their claim in the future of business. Regardless of the risks involved and the volatility, crypto is an undeniable trend which will be a challenge to the status quo. The VAR Law is the Emirate of Dubai’s pronouncement of its willingness to promote and compete in this new digital economy. ■



Tax-Driven Changes in Residency for Canadians

For those with sufficient assets, tax-driven relocations and changes in residency have become commonplace.  They began to occur in earnest in the 1990s and have increased in popularity ever since.  In the past 1-2 years in particular, the popularity of residency changes for tax reasons has seen a marked rise.  This has been driven by several factors, which include:  the steady reduction in other viable international tax planning strategies as the OECD continues to press aggressive reform, more mobile lifestyles brought about by COVID-19, and the expectation of an increased tax burden especially for the wealthy (also brought about by COVID-19, at least in part).  In short, more people have begun to enjoy more mobility, and the comparative tax advantages of relocating have never been greater.   As we have stated in prior inBriefs, for Canadians, changing their country of tax residency is almost certainly going to be the single most effective tax planning strategy they can adopt, with both immediate and long-term benefits.


The opportunity to attract such mobile, wealthy people is also very appealing to potential recipient countries, who stand to gain economically from an influx of wealthy immigrants.  Competition for economically beneficial immigrants is high.  Many countries have established residency programs and tax incentives specifically intended to attract economic immigrants.  Some of the most popular destinations in recent years have included the UAE, Portugal, Greece and Italy, among many others including some Caribbean nations.  The models adopted by these countries typically require the applicant to make an investment in the country, often in real estate, in exchange for medium- or long-term residency (and sometimes a path to citizenship over time), and access to a favourable tax regime.  The amount of the investment varies greatly from country to country (from EUR 200,000 to EUR 3,000,000).[1]  The favourable tax regime will be one of two models: the   requirement    for   an   annual   lump-sum   payment   of   tax irrespective of actual income each year (e.g., Italy, Switzerland), or, access to a low or no tax environment without the lump-sum in exchange for having made an initial investment (e.g., Portugal, Greece, UAE).


Deciding where to seek your new residency can be complex and should take into account many factors, not only taxation.  There are publicly available resources which help you to evaluate potential destination countries according, breaking down some of the more relevant factors on a country-by-country basis, and even offering rankings of countries by popularity for their tax residency offerings.[2]


The conditions of residency and favourable tax treatment usually do not require significant “days in country”, so extensive travel is permitted, but you would need to avoid spending so many days in another country that you are deemed tax resident there as well.  The residency status granted normally gives you and your family the ability to live, study, and work in the destination country (and, for EU destinations, these rights would apply anywhere in the Schengen region).


From a tax planning perspective, it is crucial to carefully evaluate your assets and your expected sources of income before settling on a destination for tax residency, and to obtain professional advice as to how your specific assets and income will be taxed there.  There are always exceptions to the favourable tax treatment offered by each jurisdiction.  For instance, some may provide that only passive income from foreign sources will enjoy low/no tax, and only if there is a double taxation treaty in place with the foreign source country (in which case, income from assets located in offshore jurisdictions may not qualify, nor income you generate if you are working in your new country of residence).  Also, assets located in the country you are moving away from may continue to impose tax on income and gains on those assets, despite your non-residency.


As such, the change of residency journey will almost always include a restructuring of your assets, and planning your sources of income, in order to achieve the desired tax-efficient result.  As part of the planning, it can often be helpful to make use of trusts in low/no tax jurisdictions as a vehicle in which to hold appreciating or income-producing investments.  Distributions from trusts can generally be structured in a manner which attracts little or no tax, depending on whether the distribution is out of trust income or trust capital.  International planning using trusts can be complex and requires cooperation among advisors in your new country of residence, your country of origin, the country in which the trust is established, and every country in which there is a beneficiary of the trust.  Trust distributions to a beneficiary will be treated differently depending on where each beneficiary resides.  However, despite some complexity in the planning phase, trusts remain by far the most popular wealth planning vehicle for good reason, as the benefits of their use can be significant.  For example:


– Tax efficient distributions: payments from a trust to its beneficiaries can be managed so as to attract less overall taxation, or no taxation, if the trust has been planned and structured properly.  This can include tax-free distributions to Canadian resident beneficiaries, if properly planned.


– Wealth accumulation: trusts in low/no tax jurisdictions often have very long lifespans, or are permitted to exist indefinitely.  As such, they can accumulate investment gains with little or no tax over a long period, and can effectively preserve and grow capital. As such, capital can effectively be sheltered in the offshore trust indefinitely, with distributions made to beneficiaries as and when desired so that only those distributions are subject to tax when received (assuming the recipient is subject to tax).


– Transition of wealth: for the above reasons, it is often very advantageous to structure an inheritance through an offshore trust, where the capital can be better preserved, grown and distributed much more efficiently than if the inheritance were given directly to beneficiaries.


– Creditor protection: trusts have long been a popular vehicle for asset protection.  Since the trust legally owns the assets, the settlor’s creditors cannot seize them (subject to some exceptions where there are concerns around defrauding creditors).  And, since beneficiaries usually only have discretionary interests which are not vested, the creditors of the beneficiaries have nothing to seize either.  Trusts are also a useful tool to keep wealth outside of the net of “family property” or similar definitions which determine what a spouse is entitled to upon separation, divorce or death.


– Flexibility and control: trusts are flexible enough to allow you to transfer legal title to assets and grant beneficiaries economic benefits to or from the assets, without transferring control over the assets.  This flexibility to retain control can be useful for many reasons, including in situations where beneficiaries may not be ready to responsibly manage the assets, or, in the context of a family business, where you may not yet know which child or children will be involved in the business upon succession.  Often of most interest to settlors is the ability to continue to control the management of the trust’s investments, rather than handing over control to a trustee and institutional investment manager.


– Estate planning benefits: trusts have a great many benefits in the context of an estate plan, including all of those noted above in this list, along with additional benefits such as the ability to place trust assets outside of the scope of a forced heirship regime, and the fact that trust assets will not be made subject to probate and estate administration procedures which are complex, time-consuming and sometimes expensive.


Once you have selected a destination and have considered how to structure your assets and income in order to achieve a tax-efficient result, you may also need to carefully plan your emigration from your current place of residency. For Canadian residents, there are tax consequences of ceasing to be a resident and there may be planning opportunities to reduce the impact upon your exit.  Advance planning is especially important if you own shares in one or more private companies.


In light of the above, it is important that you select an experienced advisor who not only has local expertise along with an international network and capabilities, but who can also mobilize other professionals in your country and your new country of residence (and a suitable trust jurisdiction) in order to provide you with cohesive and complete advice.  It is typical to require legal counsel and tax accountants in at least two countries, along with valuation experts and professional trustees, in order to provide complete advice on a tax-driven relocation.


If you would like to explore a change in residency and the potential tax advantages, please do not hesitate to contact us. ■


[See also our earlier inBrief dated 4 October 2021, “Planning for Non-residency – Doing it Right”]


[1] There are other paths to residency aside from investment in some countries, such as through employment or establishing a business.  In the UAE, for example, you may establish a company for significantly less cost than the cost of investing in real estate, and arrange for the company to sponsor your UAE residency.

[2] For example, see the popular Henley & Partners indices and reports which rank investment immigration programs, and perceived quality of different residencies and citizenships:

Arbitrary termination of employment under the new UAE Labour Law

The new UAE Labour Law (Federal Decree-Law No. 33 of 2021) came into effect on 2 February 2022. The new Labour Law replaced the previous 1980 statute (Federal Law No. 8 of 1980, as amended). The new Labour Law is generally applicable to employment relationships in the private sector in the UAE (excluding the DIFC and ADGM free zones).


Under the new Labour Law, either party may terminate an employment contract for any “legitimate reason” by giving a written notice to the other party. There was a similar provision in the old Labour Law. The meaning of “legitimate reason” was frequently debated and often gave rise to employment disputes in the UAE. Termination of an employment contract without notice or for other than a “legitimate reason” would lead to a claim for damages.


In addition, a claim for damages can arise in the event of “arbitrary” termination. The old Labour Law provided that termination by the employer would be arbitrary if done because the employee filed a complaint or court case. It also provided that termination by the employer would be arbitrary if the cause of termination is not related to work. The meaning of “not related to work” was frequently disputed. It was also unclear whether termination for a “legitimate reason” could nevertheless give rise to damages if it was found to be “not related to work.”


The new Labour Law amends the definition of what is considered as arbitrary termination. It retains the retaliatory element – termination of employment by the employer shall be arbitrary if due to (i) the employee filing a complaint with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation or (ii) the employee filing a valid lawsuit against the employer. In contrast, the new Labour Law discontinues the “not related to work” element. Accordingly, an employee may base a claim for arbitrary termination, and thereby claim three months’ salary as compensation, only when the retaliatory element is present.


Absent retaliation, the employee must argue that termination was done without notice or was done for other than a legitimate reason. This provides less scope than before for recovery by a disgruntled employee. The legislative authorities may have intended to reduce the number of employment disputes by narrowing the basis for a claim for arbitrary termination. But the change might not have this effect, given that the “legitimate reason” requirement has been preserved. The UAE courts are known to be hospitable venues for employee claims, and the issue of whether termination was legitimate in a particular case always turns on the specific facts. As before, an employer must be prepared to document its reasons when termination is contested. ■

UAE Labour Law: Implementing Regulations

As reported earlier, the new Labour Law of the UAE provides that many of the detailed rules on its implementation will be governed by Implementing Regulations. The first set of Implementing Regulations has been promulgated as Cabinet Resolution No. 1 of 2022. This measure took effect on 2 February 2022, the same effective date as the new Labour Law.


The new Cabinet Resolution provides some clarity in many respects, but it also leaves room for further regulations to address yet more aspects of the new Labour Law. This note discusses some of the more interesting features of the new Cabinet Resolution.


Non-competition clauses

The Implementing Regulations introduce new restrictions on the use by employers of non-competition clauses in their employment contracts. Like the new Labour Law, the regulations provide that a non-competition clause must be restricted in geographic scope, must be limited in duration to no more than two years, and must be limited to jobs where competition by an employee could harm the employer. The Implementing Regulations specify that the burden of proof of harm is on the employer if a non-competition clause is contested.


A non-competition clause cannot be enforced in cases where the cause for termination of services is attributable to the employer or to the employer’s breach of its statutory or contractual obligations. The employee may also be exempted from a non-competition clause if the employment contract is terminated during the probation period. There is also scope for either the employee or the new employer to render the non-competition clause unenforceable by paying compensation to the former employer in an amount not exceeding three months of salary, provided that the former employer agrees to the same. Moreover, a non-competition clause will not be enforceable in respect of specific job categories that will be determined by the Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation.


In the absence of a non-competition clause, an employee is free to change jobs in the event that:


  • The term of the existing contract expires without renewal; or
  • The contract is properly terminated in accordance with the Labour Law; or
  • The employer terminates the contract for a reason other than fault of the employee.



With a few minor adjustments, the new Labour Law continues the previous rules on an employee’s entitlement to overtime compensation for work in excess of normal working hours. At the same time, it states that the Implementing Regulations will determine which job categories are not covered by the rules on overtime. This led to an expectation that a broader set of employees would be exempt than before, especially given the general shift away from the 6-day, 48-hour work week that the Labour Law allows.


A significant expansion of exempt categories has yet to occur, although the Implementing Regulations leave some room for a move in this direction. The new Implementing Regulations exempt from overtime the following categories of employees:


  • Chairmen and members of Boards of Directors.
  • Persons who exercise the authority of the employer by virtue of their supervisory positions.
  • Crew of marine vessels and employees who work at sea who enjoy special terms of service because of the nature of their work.
  • Tasks whose technical nature requires continuity of work through successive shifts, provided that average working hours do not exceed 56 hours per week.
  • Preparatory and supplementary tasks that must be performed outside of normal working hours.


Save for the fifth category noted above, all of these exemptions existed under prior law. However, the new Cabinet Resolution delegates to the Minister the authority to promulgate further rules on these categories of employees in accordance with the requirements of the labour market.



The Implementing Regulations contain new details on leaves. Previously, a part-time employee received the same entitlement to annual leave that was extended to a full-time employee. This has now been replaced with a fractional entitlement, based upon the actual hours worked by the part-time employee, subject to a minimum of five working days per year. The Implementing Regulations take a similar fractional approach to the end-of-service gratuity entitlement of an employee not serving under a full-time contract.


Unused annual leave may be carried forward, but no more than half of the entitlement may be carried forward from year to year. Unused leave may be cashed in at the rate of the employee’s salary. Upon termination of services, an employee is paid a cash allowance for any unused annual leave at the rate of the employee’s basic salary.


Workplace injury

As reported earlier, an employer is required to provide medical care for an employee who suffers a workplace injury or sickness. This includes treatment in a government or private treatment facility and includes the hospital stay, surgery, x-rays and tests, pharmaceuticals and rehabilitation equipment and protheses, and transportation required for the employee’s treatment. These costs must be covered until the employee recovers or until the employee’s permanent disability has been established.



Under Article 44 of the new Labour Law, an employer is able to terminate the services of an employee without notice if the employee is improperly absent from work for more than seven consecutive days. In such case, the employer must be unaware of the employee’s whereabouts and unable to communicate with the employee. The employer is required to report the employee’s absence to the Ministry in accordance with procedures that will be promulgated by the Ministry.


An employee who is improperly absent from work may be denied another work permit for another employer for a period of up to one year. Exempted from this are employees whose visas are sponsored by family members, holders of golden visas, employees having a level of professional skill or knowledge required by the UAE, or employees in one of the categories that will be designated by the Ministry.


Employment models

The new Cabinet Resolution recognises that there are many different models for work other than full-time employment with a single employer. It contemplates that there will be arrangements for remote work (where the employee and employer are in different locations) and job sharing (where a task is assigned to multiple employees).


The new Cabinet Resolution also details many types of work permits, reflecting the multiple types of arrangements. The types of work permits that are addressed by the Implementing Regulations are:


  • A work permit for an employee recruited from outside the UAE.
  • A transfer work permit.
  • A work permit for a person whose residence visa is sponsored by a family member.
  • A temporary work permit.
  • A work permit for a specific task (similar to the “mission visas” that were available under prior law).
  • A part-time work permit, allowing an employee to work for multiple employers.
  • A juvenile work permit, for an employee between the ages of 15 and 18.
  • A student training permit.
  • A work permit for citizens of the GCC countries.
  • A work permit for a golden visa holder.
  • A work permit for a national trainee.
  • A self-employment work permit.


Additional types of work permits may be promulgated by resolution of the Minister. The Implementing Regulations also contain specific provisions on freelance work and on the activities of employment agencies.


End-of-service gratuity

A number of issues remain to be clarified by regulations. One of these concerns is the calculation of end-of-service gratuity, discussed in our inBrief dated 15 December 2021 and our Legal Alert dated 19 December 2021.


Article 51 of the new Labour Law states that an employee will receive end-of-service gratuity that is calculated on the basis of working days. This is inconsistent with the previous approach, which expressed end-of-service gratuity in terms of “days” as opposed to “working days”. Moreover, Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2021, on the uniform general rules of work in the UAE, which is supposed to harmonise the public and private sectors, refers to end-of-service gratuity based upon “days” and not “working days.”


A calculation based upon working days raises the issue of how that term is defined. This is not clarified by the Implementing Regulations. One approach is to calculate basic salary for a working day as equal to 22/30 of the employee’s basic salary for a month. An employer that has a five-day work week would have 22 working days in most months, because of the two-day weekends. However, an employee who works a six-day work week would have a working day basic salary equal to 26/30 of the employee’s basic salary for a month. Two similarly-positioned employees could receive end-of-service gratuity payments differing by as much as 14 per cent as a result of the employer’s work week.


Alternatively, a working day could be calculated as a fraction of annual calendar days as opposed to monthly calendar days, and the calculation could take account of official holidays as well as weekends. Perhaps the approved calculation will appear in further regulations.


Specified-term contracts

Another issue involves the treatment of specified-term contracts. Applied literally, a specified-term contract ends upon its expiration. No affirmative action by either the employer or the employee is required to bring the relationship to an end. Thus, immediately upon expiration of a specified-term contract, it would be the right of the employer to proceed with termination of the employee’s labour permit and residence visa, and it would likewise be the right of the employee to demand that the employer pay the applicable end-of-service package and to seek other employment.


In order for the relationship to continue, the parties must either continue to do so by conduct, in which case the contract would be deemed renewed for a similar period. It is not clear what length of conduct would have this effect. It would also be possible for the parties to reach express agreement on extension or renewal of a specified-term contract. Perhaps an employment contract should be drafted to contain a clause requiring the parties to provide advance notice of intent to renew or not to renew the contract. ■

The Inward Investment and International Taxation Review: Edition 12

This volume will prove to be a useful guide to the tax rules in the jurisdictions where clients conduct their businesses. This chapter provides topical and current insights on the tax issues and opportunities in the UAE. While specific tax advice is always essential, it is also necessary to have a broad understanding of the nature of the potential issues and advantages that lie ahead; this book provides a guide to these.

Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation Social Enterprise Report

Social enterprises have a vital role to play in bridging the gap between government and business efforts for social change. Although social enterprises can be found in all corners of the world, most jurisdictions suffer from a multitude of laws and policies that support them, and in some cases, requirements that may be an actual hindrance to their proliferation.


Afridi & Angell is proud to help contribute to a social enterprise law and policy report to identify legal structures and policies that nations can adopt to catalyze the advancement of social enterprises around the world. The Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation and Lex Mundi network’s unmatched global footprint make this report truly global in nature.

The Future is Fintech

What is Fintech?

The term fintech refers to the technologising of the financial industry. Fintech has become ever more recognized in the past few years, especially amidst COVID-19 in which demand for cashless payments and quick transactions have increased. Fintech exists in our daily lives from online banking to blockchain and to cryptocurrencies.


Start-up Fintech companies in the UAE

Dubai is one of the top ten fintech hubs in the world making it an ideal place for fintech companies, particularly start-ups. The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has stated that in the Middle East and North Africa alone, fintech start-ups raised over $100 million.


Additionally, free zones within the UAE are offering incentives to encourage fintech companies to set up. The DIFC, for example, has done this by offering a dedicated commercial license specifically developed for the industry with appealing schemes and licensing advantages.


Investments in Fintech

As well as being a great start-up opportunity, this developing industry is also highly appealing for venture capitalists and investors with a strategic interest in technology, finance and the financial industry. The global fintech market alone is estimated at $5 trillion and there are around 41 venture capitalist backed fintech companies worth a combined $154.1 billion.


Although fintech is a relatively new concept, it has quickly influenced well-established and traditional businesses such as banks, mortgage brokers, insurance companies, accountancy, and real estate firms.


Future of Fintech

The latest venture for fintech is the insurance industry. Many fintech companies have been partnering with traditional insurance companies to disrupt the traditional insurance model. One example is the development of InsurTech which aims to completely automate the insurance process.


Legal considerations of Fintech

Fintech, as a financial service, is mainly regulated through a UAE onshore regulatory framework, but there are also regulations within the DIFC and the Abu Dhabi Global Market. The Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) and Central Bank are key UAE onshore financial regulators – the SCA has approved a fintech draft resolution which introduces a regulatory framework to pilot fintech licenses and allows license holders to operate in a ‘sandbox’ environment. In 2020-2021, the Central Bank has issued various regulations governing the fintech space, particularly relating to retail and large value payment systems, payment services and card schemes and stored value facilities. These regulations were issued with a one year transition period allowing businesses to align their activities in accordance with the applicable requirements.


Despite the appeal of fintech, there have also been concerns regarding cybersecurity (such as data protection and safeguarding personal financial information).



Fintech appears to be the natural evolution of certain financial services including banking. Setting up and operating a fintech company requires business savvy and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Afridi & Angell has been and continues to provide innovative and informed legal advice to fintech companies in their financings/capital raises, operations, growth, acquisitions and sales. We provide a comprehensive legal offering in the financial technology space and have in-depth experience in related issues, regulations and industry agreements. ■


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If you require more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact Shahram Safai at Afridi & Angell at



A Matter of Some Discretion: Controlling your Trust

Two common reasons for the use of trusts in estate planning are to achieve tax efficiencies and to protect assets from potential creditors and claims.  These are by no means the only reasons that trusts are utilized, but they are important benefits and are sometimes the primary focus of trust structure.  Generally speaking, trusts that provide tax and asset protection benefits need to be structured so as to grant the trustees very wide discretion as to when distributions are to be made, to which beneficiaries, in what amounts, and in which circumstances.  The language used in trust deeds usually gives trustees “absolute discretion” or “unfettered discretion” or similar.  Consider the following two examples of why discretion is important:


Example A (tax efficiency):  If a family trust is established with many family members as potential beneficiaries (e.g., “all of my issue”, which would include children, grandchildren, and you may include corporations owned by them, etc.), one of the goals of the trust is probably to take advantage of income splitting opportunities among the beneficiaries.  The trustee needs to be able to assess the individual tax brackets of the beneficiaries so they can “income sprinkle” across the beneficiaries in a tax efficient manner.  If the beneficiaries had fixed entitlements to a specified proportion of trust income or capital, the trustees could not achieve a tax efficient result.  Thus, discretion is needed.


Example B (asset protection):  Consider the same example again, but this time one of the beneficiaries has been successfully sued and his/her assets are subject to attachment by the judgment creditor.  If the beneficiary has a fixed entitlement under the terms of the trust, the creditors will be able to attach that interest as well and that beneficiary’s interest is effectively lost.  If the beneficiary’s entitlements are entirely subject to the trustee’s discretion, then the beneficiary has no vested interest at all unless and until the trustee declares each new distribution.  The trustee can confirm before making a distribution whether any beneficiary is subject to creditor claims, and if so, it can exercise its discretion in favour of another beneficiary (or none at all), until the claims are dealt with, keeping the trust assets out of the creditor’s hands.  Accordingly, discretion is again an essential component.[1]


With the necessity for a trustee to be granted such broad discretion, the question is often asked:  how do you know the trustee is going to exercise its discretion in the manner you would have intended?  There are essentially three approaches available:  include terms in the trust instrument itself, issue a letter of wishes, and/or the appointment of trust “protectors”.  We will briefly discuss each in turn.


(i) Terms of the Trust Deed


Some terms can be included in the trust deed itself without unduly constraining the trustee’s discretion.  These may include directions to the trustee not to make distributions to beneficiaries whose assets are subject to attachment; or a term which excludes the trust property from any beneficiary’s net family property to help protect it from being included in equalization payments upon marriage breakdown; or even a direction that requires certain minimum payments or expenses to be paid out of the trust so that the broad discretion only applies to the funds remaining after that.  A trust deed is a very flexible instrument and can be prepared with as many, or as few, specific constraints on a trustee as desired.  However, for the most part, if tax and asset protection benefits are to be maintained, the hard constraints need to be kept to a minimum.  It is more common to do the opposite; that is, explicitly oust duties that trustees would otherwise have as a matter of law that would potentially constrain them.


(ii) Letter of Wishes


A letter of wishes is separate from the trust deed and is just what its name suggests:  a letter from the settlor to the trustee setting out guidance for the trustee as to how the settlor wishes the trustee to exercise its discretion.  The trustee is not legally bound by the letter of wishes, but in practice trustees do give effect to them, and if a beneficiary challenges the trustee’s choices a court will take letters of wishes into account as relevant context.  Letters of wishes are sometimes very brief and provide simply that the trustees should take into account the views of another person when exercising their discretion (and that person is sometimes the settlor).  This is a potentially acceptable approach in the short term, but it has its drawbacks:  a court may find that the settlor is the person who is “in fact” making trust decisions as a de facto trustee, a finding that would almost certainly have detrimental consequences for any plan for which the trust was needed; and, upon the settlor’s death (or to whomever the letter of wishes referred), the settlor obviously then loses whatever influence he/she had.  Thoughtful, detailed, foresightful letters of wishes are strongly recommended.  Note that the trust deed should oust any default duties that trustees must comply with as a matter of law which may prevent compliance with a letter of wishes (the obligation to treat all beneficiaries equally, for example, should be ousted in the trust deed, along with others).


(iii) Appointing a Protector


Finally, there is the role of the trust “protector”.  A protector is someone (or multiple persons) who is granted a number of key powers in the trust deed, but who is not a trustee and, typically, has no fiduciary duties to beneficiaries.[2] They are supposed to provide oversight of trust administration and decision making from the perspective of someone close to the settlor who presumably knows what the settlor would have wanted.  Protectors are often granted powers to approve certain decisions of the trustees, to veto certain decisions, to remove and replace the trustee, or to terminate the trust, among other key powers.  The protector provides a significant check on trustee discretion.  The choice of protector is therefore important:  not only should the protector be someone close to you and who understands your wishes, they should be trustworthy and reliable, and without a conflict of interest (e.g., a beneficiary, or a spouse of a beneficiary).  Care must be taken so as not to usurp the role of the trustees altogether, either in the trust deed or in practice, or there will be a risk that the protector will be found to be the de facto trustee, with potentially disastrous consequences.[3]


In addition to the above, where a trust is created as part of a plan intended to have specific tax consequences, it is common for trustees to obtain professional advice before making a distribution, to ensure that it is being made in a manner that will not upset the plan.  This is not a limit on the discretion of the trustees, per se, but it does function as one.  Sometimes, detailed tax-driven instructions are provided to the trustees by professional legal advisors when the trust is created, setting out guidelines for how distributions are to be made, when, and also to whom they must not be made.  Such advice has similar status to a letter of wishes, but is arguably even more likely to be adhered to as the trustees will not wish to be responsible for triggering negative tax consequences in the face of having received such advice.


The above tools to control the discretion of a trustee are very useful, but they still leave some discretion to the trustee, which is unavoidable if the structure is to be robust enough to withstand a challenge by tax authorities or disgruntled beneficiaries.[4]  On a practical level, these tools are quite effective as professional trustees are motivated to serve their clients (i.e., settlors) as best they can, and to avoid litigation that may arise from ignoring letters of wishes, or professional advice, or contravening a protector’s decision. ■


[1] For asset protection trusts, note that it is important that the beneficiary whose interest is being protected is not also the sole trustee (or ideally even one of multiple trustees), as a court may order the beneficiary/trustee to exercise its control over the trust to satisfy the creditor’s claim.  The beneficiary must not have any control over trust decisions.

[2] The issue of whether a protector does have, or should have, fiduciary obligations to beneficiaries similar to the obligations of trustees is an unresolved issue in Canadian law.  Care should be taken to specify the settlor’s intent in the trust deed as to the duties expected of a protector.

[3] Garron Family Trust v. Her Majesty the Queen (2012 SCC 14) is the leading case in Canada on trust residency.  In that case, the courts “looked through” the exercise of powers by a protector, where the protector was in turn subject to replacement by the beneficiaries, and this was one of the reasons that court found that the beneficiaries were effectively functioning as the trust decision makers, with negative consequences for the trust in that case.

[4] This note focussed on trustee discretion with respect to distributions of trust income and capital.  It is important to bear in mind that a trustee’s discretion with respect to managing the trust’s investments can be controlled as well, to a greater degree of certainty and detail than controlling discretion as to distributions.